Had to share a few more pics of the Powder Blue Girl! She's getting quite a big girl now, she no longer fits in the palm of my hand, now it's hard to actually hold her in just one hand. She still has her baby feautures though and has yet to develop a long rattie nose.

She had a run around the bathroom (as it's the safest room for her to do so - no wires or places to get stuck!) and she did exactly what Tia used to do, climb up the wash-basket and squeeze in through the holes in the side! It was a sweet memory of my hooded girl and I'm glad Flossie's carrying on the tradition, although my mother doesn't like her pulling threads with those claws of hers in the laundry

Caught, lol

Well mum, I've found a new bed and I wish to sleep here now.

This last pic is hilarious. We gave Floss her first bath today - BIG mistake. She hated every second of it, and, well, lets say that trying to hold onto a squirming rat covered in slippy shampoo and being splashed with bubbly water is not easy! My hands are peppered with little scabs from the many escape attempts.

OK, caption competition on this pic, what is she thinking?

Hee hee, hope you enjoyed, that's all.