I thought this would be a neat discussion. Lets see if I'm right...

What languages do your dogs know commands in?

My dogs are mostly taught in English. However..

Travis knows

Sitz - German for Sit

Platz- German for 'down' [really it translates to 'place' ] <-- this has taken the place of english. I no longer tell him 'down' in English. It is always Platz.

Bleib- not 100%, we're still working on it. German for 'stay'

aquí - spanish for 'here'

I'd like to teach him more German words [his native tongue! ] but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Katy and Miles know

The spanish is due to the fact that some Spanish is spoken around my home. [The dogs were never really taught what 'aqui' meant, they just kind of picked up on it] English is the first language, but my mother and I will mix English and Spanish in our sentences. LoL.

So, what other languages have you taught your dogs?