I need someone to review and critique an essay I have written. It is about 6 pages in Microsoft Word, so you need to PM me with your email address so that I can email it to you.

A group outside of Boston is compiling essays for a book about feral cats, TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release), and the stories of these cats. The book will be sold as a fund raiser for feral cat programs. I have been asked to write up my TNR project from last April, which I described in Pet Talk, Cat, General. (They had already reviewed my post before asking me to write it up!) Photos ARE included, so this is not 6 pages of text.

I am rusty in writing. I feel like I keep switching tenses, past, present, future perfect, whatever. Not sure I have a clear theme in place. I've been over it several times. Wondering if someone has some skill in this area and is willing to take a look at it?
