Well we went to the shelter today and took a look at "Presley" He was such a sweetie. Him and Belle met and got along right away. We took them out for a little walk together and they were even BETTER. Presley had been having some troubles with walking on a leash.... he didn't like it at all and they had to carry him everywhere. When he got on the leash with Brian he was FINE. he was calm, inquisitive, and a gentleman. They had a great walk together and a great time together in the room. So we adopted him. He is home with us now. He has settled right in and just seems to comfortable here. Everything with him just felt right. After being home for only about a half hour or less they both settled down and chewed on some bones side by side and just chilled out. We renamed him Beezer..... Keeping with our hockey names theme we named him after John Vanbiesbrouck.

without further ado..... here are the pictures.