Well, I thought I would go THREAD HAPPY tonight!! Here are some pictures of Dozer and Scruff. I hope you like them. Don't mind the dates on some of these pictures, I forgot to change the date after I replaced the batteries today!!

"I hate this thing!!" Dozer was NOT happy after his neutering!!

"We are waiting for our treats, mom."

Dozer decided to steal Scruff's cage to eat his Dentistick!

"Nope, I'm not budging!!" (Sorry for the messy kennel. Scruff just ate and Dozer ran in before I can clean up Scruff's mess!!)

Scruff decided the couch will do!!

"AHHH, comfy."

"Look how big I am now mom!!" Dozer is almost 3 months old now. He weighs 16.5 lbs!

"Thank you for looking at our pictures! We hope you liked them!"