Jasmine's my foster.
See here: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=119437

Anyways I'm having some trouble with her and I'm assuming it's all because she's scared. She's a very submissive, flighty dog first of all. She's very sweet and loving with me. I can go outside and she'll start wagging her tail and walk over to me now. But today when I put her in the basement. She wouldn't let ANYONE out. She just sat on the steps, bared her teeth, and growled. My dad yelled upstairs for my mom, so she came outside and opened the door from out there, so she could run into the backyard. She called me and when I came home I went out into the backyard again. She of course was very sweet to me, I gave her a few treats, rubbed her belly, and she was running around trying to play with me even. I have her locked outside in a kennel for now. My mom wants to send her to the pound, she keeps telling me that if I take her to the Humane Society she's just going to get put to sleep. So I have 2 weeks to atleast try and make a change in her personality. What can I do to help her?

She is very, very sweet and loving. Honestly, I think she's just kind of shy and afraid, probably roughly handled as well.

Hmm something about her background. The people had her since she was a pup. She was housetrained and everything, but they threw her outside when she got to big for their house and has been leaving out there for the past couple of months. I don't want to have to give her to a farm or anything like that, I'd like to see her in the house for sure. So repottytraining her is a must, also I haven't introduced her to my dogs yet, they've met through the kennel but that's about it.

Anyways how do I go about socializing her? What else should I know about helping her and not letting her be aggressive anymore?