That's right after all this time we have finally gotten back online. We got connected yesterday but have been having huge problems with windows 2003. There is a conflict between windows 2003 and our internet provider. So we are waiting for a friend to get xp to us which is suppose to happen tomorrow sometime. Hopefully once we get XP installed there will be no futher problems with conflicts. Our internet provider is especially formatted to function with XP so with a little bit of luck things will run smoothly. Once we get XP installed expect loads of pics and even a few videos. I do need to get my butt in gear though and get some pics for you all of Italy as I don't have many yet. I know my bad. I have been here a year and hardly any pics. Bad Michelle...shame on you. But I promise I will get lots in the next little while. And besides hubby wants to get me a new digicam and I will be going to university in Venice to do a two digital photography program. So I will need some input on all those photos I will take. But for right now I am glad to be back online and back at PT. I have missed everyone sooo much and missed so much here. Ok guys fill me in on some of the things I have missed in the last year. ((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))) to all my PT family. Man it is great to be back.