As some of you may remember my brother passed away 7-30. I took in my 22 year old niece. I have just about had it! She has not washed one dish and has me doing all her laundry, she just brings out a big pile once a week and dumps it outside the laundry room and leaves it.

Yesterday I told her I did her laundry but from now on she needed to do it. Then she wanted to bake something to take to this intern she is doing. She had me go buy the stuff and wouldn't even go with me, she has a car and money. She brough some cookie cutters home from her dads house, its empty we are selling it. Anyhow she says these need to be washed, I said guess what there's the dish soap and there's the sponge, your 22 go for it.

She then left flour and dirty dishes all over the kitchen and went in her room, I went in there and said are you done in the kitchen, she said yes. I said you need to clean it up.

Then I found she used magic eraser on my wooden kitchen the way I had gone in during the cookie making demo and she had all the cookie dough directly on the cutting board or anything.

She asked me to buy her contact solution....several people are sending checks for her to help her after her dad died, they address the envelope to me and the check to her. I left her one of the checks in her bathroom with a note that says to give me 22.00 of this since you had me buy your contact solution.

One check was made out for me and she said "your putting that in my account right" but she won't buy a damn thing, I have had it! I really think something is wrong with her, I have had 1 thank you in 6 weeks and no pleases at all.