Well all I can say is that that was one of THE most AWESOME experiences I've ever encountered. It is such a rush and simply takes your breath away (both with the initial tumble and the outstanding view).

I can honestly say that I was more nervous on my wedding day than jumping out of plane. *laughs*

The second my feet hit the ground I wanted to go back up and do it all over again.

Our jump was scheduled for 2 p.m. but it could fall earlier (if you get there early enough) or later. In our case, it was the latter. Not sure what the delay was, but it was okay. A lot of Andy's family was there so we had company and enjoyed chatting with the instructors.

We got there at 1:30 and moments after we arrived we saw two jumpers floating in. Soon after 4 more came in. It was great seeing it in action. There were two more groups ahead of Dale (Andy's cousin) and I. After them, at 3:30, Dale suited up and had a successful jump.

Then it was my turn. I was given a flightsuit, put into the harness, and I went through the routine with Ed, the jump master I was going to tandem with. Brian was the video/photographer and very funny. At 4:30, we boarded the plane and off we went. It's a 20 minute ride to get up to 10,000 feet. As the plane climbed, I still wasn't nervous. Just so very excited.

At 8,000 feet, we got into position and hooked up the harnesses. 9,500 we opened the door.

10,000... go time!! Brian exited first, holding onto the wing strut, to take photos and video. Then seconds after Brian let go, Ed and I rolled out of the plane.

Such a thrill!

I'd definitely go again.

And what you've all been waiting for... the photos.

Suiting up

Pose with the hubby

The plane

A jaunty wave

Boarding the plane

View from the plane

Getting ready

The door opens

More in the next post!