If ever there was a "DUH" moment, I encountered it last night when the hubby and I were talking with Pierre.

We were standing there for about half an hour talking with him, so I will just give you the "DUH" part of the conversation.

A girl that had been sitting with Pierre was holding Bob, the male kitty, in her lap at the time.

I turned and said, "Hi Bob. My you look so comfy laying there. Where's your sister Izzy?"
Pierre; "I think", with a very confused look on his face, while scratching his head, "that either something happened to her or someone picked her up off the street."
Me; "Oh no." While thinking to myself, "Good observation Einstein, since she hasn't been around for what, THREE DAYS NOW!!!!!
Pierre; "I'm thinking more that someone picked her up. I was expecting that to happen as she is a pretty girl."
Thinking to myself. HHHEEELLLLOOOOOO!!!!!! If you expected that to happen, why the "H" didn't you keep her INSIDE!!!!!!
Me; "Well, what comes around goes around eh Pierre. You saw her on the street and picked her up. Now someone else saw her on the street and did the same thing."
Pierre; "Yeah, I guess."

Talk about "DUH" or WHAT!!!!!!!!

Then I kind of slid into the conversation if he ever brought Izzy to the vet to find out her exact age and he said no that he hadn't had a chance to bring her yet.

So I was thinking to myself, thank you Pierre, now I KNOW for sure that she hasn't had her shots yet. So off to the vets tomorrow night for her first set of shots and to make her appointment to get spayed.