Good Morning gorgeous Cheeky! Thank you so much for taking the time to claw off your sweet, sweet story! We here at Pet Talk love hearing from our honorees "personally!" What a beautiful birdie you are, and SO smart and loving! And what a wonderful, adventurous, joyful life you lead; everything from sweater climbing to car rides, gourmet meals to trips to the cottage!! You couldn't have flown into a more loving, adoring forever family! (Complete with feathered friend!!) Congratulations to you precious Cheeky! I hope you chatter up a storm, spreading the happy news that YOU are Pet Talk's very special, most deserving SaturdayPet of the Day!!! "Good Birdie!!" P.S...Tell your very proud Mommy, Grampa and Grandma that today is definitely a day for some extra roast beef and ice cream!!