I have 4 cats. Two of them live with my mother and two of them live with me. When I moved out and got own house, my mother couldn't BARE to lose all her pets (even though they were mine, LOL). So, we made a deal that she could keep two cats and I would take two with me! She kept the two that love to be together and seem to be with her more than me. And I took the other two since they were my special stray cats that I nutured back to health.

Unfortunately, my mother calls me up Friday afternoon VERY upset. Our one cat, Balls, was crying, moaning and growling very bad. Any time they would touch the back of him, he would scream. So, we knew we had to get him to a vet immediately. I rushed over to her house so we could take him into our vet before they closed. You could tell he was VERY SORE and in some kind of pain, but as we sat there getting him ready to go and calling the vet, he would walk a bit and seem OK, then he would plop and scream!!

We put him into the pet carrier and headed out the door on our way to the vet. As soon as we got outside, the carrier door SPRUNG RIGHT OPEN and he zoomed out of that carrier in SECONDS flat! We were NOT ABLE to catch him. My mother got in her car and I kept running to catch him. He was literally running so fast through the big backyards that we lost sight of him.

This happened FRIDAY. It is now Monday and our beloved cat is no where in sight. We have searched the neighboorhood, put up signs, called the local shelters and knocked on neighbors doors. Nobody has said they have seen them or can help us.

He is not an outdoor cat, so he for one is not use to being outside (he was a stray and lived outside for the first year of his life which makes us feel better). But above that, he was in severe pain!! Something is wrong with him and now he is lost outside in this big old world. We are so afraid that he is laying somewhere lost in severe pain.

Every day, we have searched, searched and searched. We hope he is OK and he turns up somewhere. We miss our Balls and are so worried about him since he is in such pain.

Please send good thoughts that we find him safe and sound. As of right now, we are about to lose all hope, considering how much pain he was in!