I went for a walk today on my lunch break. It's a beautiful day and there is a little street fair going on downtown. I noticed a young Philipino girl, about 14, selling beadwork on one corner. Since I am a beader, I had to go look. Then I saw the picture of kitty on her table so I had to ask her about the cat too. English is clearly not her first language, but she really wanted to talk about her cat. Turns out that the kitty just had kittens a couple days ago. She wants to get her spayed once the kittens are big enough, but her parents won't pay for the surgery. She also wants to make sure the kittens get their shots and are healthy too!

So she set up her little table today hoping to make enough money to pay for it herself. I bought a bunch of jewellery I don't need and could have made myself, but she seemed sincere in her desire to help her cats! If a couple more cat lovers stop by, kitty will have surgery and kittens will have all their vet care in no time!