This is my cat, Sox. I call him boi brown, buddy bar, mahogany brown, sox, buddy, boi, all sorts of things. He's basically my best friend.

I dislocated my shoulder in April, and he spent a lot of time with me, while I sat in the recliner. I didn't think anything of him not getting off of my lap for 16-18 hours at a time. Then he started throwing up. I figured he was just eating too much, and tossing it up. This progressed (over the next few days) to where he was not eating, and still throwing up. I checked his gums and his ears, and they were pale in color.

We immediately took him to the vet. The vet took an X-ray and saw that he had a large bladder. They tried to massage his bladder to get him to pee. He peed after they left the room, it was this bloody, gritty pee.

We took him home, but his throwing up started right back up.

We took him back to the vet, and they cathed him and were flushing his bladders. They were giving him SubQ fluid to keep him hydrated, but he wouldn't eat.

After a week, we took him to a different vet, who said the only options were euthanisation, or surgery. A PU surgery, where they remove the cats penis. I guess male cats have a narrow urethra and become blocked easilly. The PU surgery removes the penis, and gives him a wider urethra.

He came home, and was put on a large amount of medicine. Baytril, Winstrol, Clavamox, and Hi-Vite drops. He was eating minor amounts, but I was forcing fluids in his mouth (pedialyte). He seemed to be improving, then he started to turn.

He would just sit in this same spot over and over again, and if you moved him, he would go back. He would pee, but he wouldn't eat. I tried to get him to eat, but it wasn't happening. I started to give him his pills loaded with peanut butter, thinking that the PB would peak his appetite and he would eat more.

It didn't do anything. Monday he was feeling hot, so I took his temperature rectally. It was 104.5 I took him back to the vet Tuesday. His temp was 102.5 at the vet.

They took him off of the Baytril and Clavamox, and put him on eutrythomiacin (I probably spelled it wrong). I am to continue the Winstrol and the Hi-Vite drops.

Last night, he didn't want anything to do with anyone. If you went near him, he would meow, and meow when you picked him up. This is very not like Sox. He is a people person, and loves attention (the more the better). We were very worried for him.

I force fed him baby food in a dropper. I think it spiked his appetite because I heard him at the food bowl. Then I opened some tuna and have been hand feeding him tuna every 2 hours. He keeps eating, and I want to keep feeding. I don't want that appetite to stop at all.

I'm worried, because I know that when a cat doesn't eat, it wreaks havoc on their kidneys. He went days without eating at the vets office, but was getting fluids and drops. Here he was eating, btu not enough, and not drinking enough.

I'm so worried about my boi cat. He's just so damn precious. I'm out of work right now, because I had to have surgery on my shoulder. I'm not rich by any means, but I'll do everything I can to keep him alive. The vet bills keep adding up, after the first night, then the weeks stay, then the surgery, and then last nights visit. They keep getting their money, but Sox isn't getting is health.

I'm afraid of anything happening to him. He's only 5 years old, and to have to fight for his life like this. I don't know if he realizes what is going on or not, and if he thinks we're just torturing him.

My poor kitty