Today after school I took the dogs to a park to let them run around (which they haven't done for 2 days because I've been down with a cold). I was working on Molly's recall and was just using kibble as reward. Mickey is very picky about treats, and will NOT eat kibble plain.. but I tried and he actually took it this training session.

As I was going to give the last reward to each dog for the training session, I pulled out the last several pieces of kibbles and noticed a dark pink circle "kibble?".. I turn it over, and it says "IBU 200".


I totally forgot that I had 2 ibuprofen tablets in my pocket.. I was going to take them at school for my headache. I realized I only had one in my hand and after much rummaging and panicing where the other one went (thinking I fed it to one of the dogs), I found it at the bottom of my jean pocket.

*HUUUUUUUGE sigh of relief*