Zoe is almost a year old, and she LOVES to play.

She'll bark at me, and crouch down on her front legs. She'll run up to me, inviting me to play. I'll step towards her and she'll back up barking louder. (which my neighbors hate). I'll tell her to be quiet, and she'll bark even louder. Jumping at me, crouching down. (I do know that this is the stance that they get into, when they want to play). She runs around onto the sofa and down again. And occassionally knocks over my 2 1/2 year old.

She gets walks 2 times a day at least 2 miles one way.

Everyone says that this is agressive behavior and that i need to curb it NOW!!

I'm thinking that she's just playing. And I laugh at her behavior.

Am I wrong?

(Also posted in the behavior section, but getting no responses so far)