Hi, my name is Sarah. I have a 2 year old Chocolate Labrador named Rupert. Makayla posted pictures of him when she came to my house, since I don't have a camera those are probubly the only ones you will see. Anyway, I have loved dogs since... I was born I am not very familiar with the computer, so I don't write in very popular language I don't write much either.

Rupert was a pound puppy. He was at the King County Shelter and we weren't expecting to get him, we were expecting to look at a whole other dog. But we didn't even end up looking at that dog. We say Rupert and fell in love with him! He was in the second cage to be put to sleep. They said they couldn't wait for him to be adopted. We took him home that day. He's very hipe and loves jumping on people

That's me and my dog!!!!