Here's some pics of my crew with my b/f's dog, Indy. She's such a sweetheart. All my dogs get along with her, Raustyk only tollerates her but Nook & Kaige just love her to pieces. She's so beautiful too, a lab pointer mix with the hound dog bark. lol

Some of them may not be the best, when kaige & her play they are always on the move. lol
These were taken last weekend:

Kaige is oh so happy to have someone with almost as much energy as he does. lol

This is part of one of my neices old toys that Kaige claimed as his, it's his favorite & I think one of the longest lasting toys he has. lol

I LOVE this pic!!!!!

Hang one more to come.... told ya the other day I had a lot of pics from the last couple weeks, I'll still have a couple more threads to make too. lol