I wrote an email to my family's reverend the other night because I was feeling down, and this man is SO wise that I thought I would share it with all my friends

Hi there,

I was just wondering if I could ask something of you. I have been having a really hard time at work lately, and I'm always afraid that people don't like me. I know I can't control how they feel but I want to gain better control of me. I try hard not to be a negative person but I think I come across that way a lot even though I dont mean to. I was wondering if I could ask you to pray for me? I feel like I need help gaining a new outlook and perspective because I'm unhappy with how I feel but I dont know where and how to change it. If I knew you were praying for me I think that would help me a lot.

Thanks so much,

Hi Sweet Naomi - Yes, you can be assured that I will pray for you.

Sounds like you're going through a deep valley just now. I am not sure what to suggest to you but here
are a few things you could try.

l. Just try to forget your image. Just let the real "you" shine out. Greet people with warmth and affection.
People respond to love and kindness.

2. Do little things for others by giving yourself away. By that I mean, if you get an inspiration to say something
nice to someone, or do some little thing for someone, to it.

It may be " I like your hair style." "My you look great in that outfit." "That was a great job you did."
"Can I help you today? I have a little time." "Here is a little something I made (whatever) for you."

Each day, follow your inspirations, or hunches or "gut feelings". Whatever you call them, if they are
things that are good and nice, thank the Lord for them. It works. I am trying to do that in my own life.

3. If you have a Bible, read the New Testament, starting with Matthew. Read and study the life of Jesus
and follow His example on how he treated people of all walks of life. I am continually inspired by the
way He treated the down and outters and the poor and needy. His love shone through each time.

4. You will stuggle with your weight problem for a long time because you have inherited "genes" that
make you so. Your diabetes is a problem and a constant concern. My only suggestion is to go
on the internet to drmirkin.com and look up "diabetes" He has many suggestions to help control it.

5. I saw a website that recommended trying to eat 100 less calories a day. By eating more fruits and
vegetables and whole grain foods and less refined flour products your weight will slowly but surely
come down.

6. In the meantime pray "Lord help me today. I need You to help me.......(then tell Him what you need)"
And then pray, "Thank you, Lord, I know you are going to help me and I am going to watch you work
this problem out." Amen. ----And watch Him work!

May the Lord be with you. You have many talents and abilities and you have a wonderful disposition -
just like your dad and mom.

7. Always remember too, that everything you have ever learned will be used in your lifetime, so learn
as much as you can about everything you can wherever you can.

8. Another lesson I have been learning in life is that the Bible is true " And we know that all things work
out for good to them that love God." and another is equally true:

"In every adversity there are the seeds of an equivalent or greater good."

May the Lord bless you richly and may he supply all your needs this Christmas time.

Will love and prayers. Bill