im new to this forum,and i want to thank those that replied to my urgent call.igot rambo to the vet first thing monday morning,vet asked if he got hit by a car or something,i said no way,he then checked him out,told me he was going to give him a shot of prednisone,and some pills,anyway ive been giving him his meds since monday.rambo is alertbut his front legs are still paralized,im feeding him by hand,hes got appetite bowel movement is ok,still its breaking my heart to see him that way he was a very happy and healthy animal,this morning i went to check on him and found him in the back yard he draged his 100 pound body at least 30 feet to the grass cause he knows he cant mess on the screen patio,of course i dont enforce that now,anyway it broke my now praying and hoping he comes back to normal im thinking maybe i should get a second opinion take him to another vet,thing is i live in miami florida just went through a hurricane i got a tarp over my still trying to piece everything else back together.seeing my rabo that way is got me a little depressed.anyway ill live throught it iguess im waiting for that miracle now.