My mom,dad and I went for a walk this morning with a kids.There was a lady walking ahead of us for a while with two Akitas?,i wasnt able to tell what they were but they looked like Akitas,but whatever they were they were gorgeous. Anyways,this lady was walking them and one of the dogs,a white one, didnt do anything that i could see, and she started HITTING him/her! Not just a little smack, but she raised her arm pretty high and was litterally smacking the crap out of this poor dog .She did this twice at different times. My parents got really upset, and so did i.I was just about to yell to her "What the hell is your problem?",i was really p*ssed. and she was doing it on the side of the road on a sidewalk where traffic was going by, so i'm sure were not the only ones who saw it.
Anyways,i told my mom if i see her again smacking the dog i'm going to report her to the humane society, thats abuse right?poor thing was cowering and yelping She also had trouble controlling them.