Ok, my sister forgets what she has. Its been quite a few years since shes had to think about it.

shes asking:
Whats the disability called when tou don't understand what you read, and your unable to sound words out & spell.

Shes failing her english class for the 3rd time because of this. But all her assignments & exams are in the 90s/100 (which is an A). Shes a smart kid, but this teacher keeps failing her because of her problems with speech. Shes going to the Special Ed groups to get help (even tho she really doesn't need it), but they will review all her work & it its good enough for her disabalilty, they'll pass her.

Shes really depressed again & I fear she'll get back into her old habbits if this isn't solved. Argg, all I want it for her to graduate & start living a life, she ruined her teenhood, I atleast want her to have a happy adulthood. If all else fails, I'll hunt down the dean myself (I only learned of this issue tonight).