Samantha has been waaaaay past due and Chester was due last month but due to work and running up to Norfolk, I have been behind on my babies care. I called this morning and got in today.. LUCKY ME! Chester is still at 15 pounds, Samantha is at 8 pounds and so is Amy. Chester and Samantha are up to date now.... that funny vet, in feeling Samantha's tummy, asked me if I snatched her out of the litter box, her bowels are FULL!!

I took Amy along so he could check her since her condition seems to be at the worst it has ever been and he had to agree with me. He gave her a shot Dex/Depo....???? Suppose to make her feel better. We'll see. I asked him if I should make sure she excercized those legs and he said no, just leave her alone and let her go at her own pace.

I also discussed with him finding someplace close to home and close to HIM to leave them while I am gone on the boat and he suggested I leave them AT HOME where they are use to being, comfortable and happy... saving them the trama of that long car ride and being in a strange place. He said having Rie check on them about twice a week would be enough....... I DUNNO!!! What do all of YOU think?