I am sitting for a friend's cat for an indefinite period. His name is Franklin, and he weighs 30 pounds. Because he is completely unable to groom his own back, I have bathed him twice since I have had him. The water in the tub is always red when I finish washing him (from old flea dirt). Afterwards it is obvious that the flea dirt is either 'back' or I didn't do a very good job of washing it out in the first place. None of the brushes and flea combs I have remove much of it, but if I use my fingernails deep in his fur, I find tons.

I have treated him with Frontline flea medication, but I'm unsure if it would be effective on such a large cat. Incidentally, I have never seen a flea in my house, and my other cats are flea and dirt free. No cats in this house go outside.

I am apprehensive about taking someone else's cat to the vet for a condition I'm sure the owner was aware of. He is terrible skittish, and becomes violent without much warning therefore I would like to avoid the cost and aggravation unless I'm advised that the cat needs professional care.

Should I shave this cat before the cold season arrives, or is there a more sane way to clean him up? Should I just leave the cat alone about his dirty back, like his owner did? He hates bathes, and tires of brushing quickly.

Whatever the consensus is, I'll heed.

to see Franklin visit: http://www.myspace.com/30pounder