aw, what a nice ending ~ or is it?... It does sound like Coco got attached to your family, but seriously what dog wouldn't?! If Gonzo stayed at your house for 2 days and got to play with the Muttlies non-stop and eat Greenies all day, he probably wouldn't want to come home either ^-^ heh, just kiddding

I definitely see where you're coming from. Definitely!! My biggest pet peeve in the world is when you find a lost dog and care for them, and when the owners come they aren't even grateful and the dog doesn't want to go. It just happened to my oldest sister last week, they found a STUNNING white Husky girl roaming on a road outside of their neighborhood where the speed limit is 60 and theres tons of traffic! She did not have a collar or a microchip. After tying her into the front yard and sitting out there for hours waiting, then putting up dozens of signs everywhere, it took her "owners" 5 days to finally decide to look for her .. I went over to their house every day, she and Gonzo played non-stop and loved each other and she loved their daughter and slept inside the house in "her" (Gonzo's) crate. Then, when Nick (DH), was actually getting attached to her and thinking of a name for her (which is freakin amazing, because Nick has only liked 2 dogs he's ever met until now ~ one of which is Gonzo ), a lady called and said "Do you have my dog?".. I answered the phone, because I was babysitting my neice, and I was tempted to say "nooo.. I dunno what you're talking about. Bye." But of course I couldn't. They came over, walked into the backyard and just grabbed her collar (the collar that I bought her!) and left. They had a bratty little girl who chased Gonzo around, then jumped on the poor Husky's back.... they said they were "glad you found her", but no thank-yous. And they knew she had been gone for 3 days, but they said they hadn't "checked on her" the day she was gone. She was sooo sweet and obedient, and they just threw her in the yard 24/7. urghhhhh anyway ~ I'm SORRY for stealing you post to rant, but I really do know how you feel. Its totally shocking that these people don't even care to think about all of the energy and love we put into dogs and how much we care about their well-being.. If Gonzo got lost and some one took him in, I would not only thank them a billion times, I'd pay them a very good reward and ask how I can repay their time.

You most DEFINITELY could've saved Coco's life by taking her in off the streets, rescuing her from a life of GOD-knows-what with any creep that could've taken her. It sounds like she's had a rough life, and she had a lot of happiness with you. Totally remind them that your door is always open to her ~ and that they NEED to chip, license, and keep her inside or in a very secure area when they aren't home to watch her! You do deserve tons of credit for helping Coco out sooo much