I swear! I just don't understand people sometimes!
Yesterday we went to get the Durable Power of Attorney for Pet Care notarized, and you should have seen the way they acted!
I was so PO'D! First the woman up front said, "I've never heard of this!", then ran to the back to get the woman who does the notarizing, so what does she say? "35 years doing this and I've never seen such a thing!" and starts laughing! I know it probably sounds harmless, but she was a real jerk (I like Chucks way of saying it TROLL!)She laughed the whole time we were there! I tried telling them we have no kids so we just want to make sure our dogs are taken care of in case something were to happen to us. Of course, they totally ignored me!
When we left, Marks nephew told us how sorry he was for the way she acted (he was the one who suggested going there to get it done). Hey, it's not his fault.
Why in the world are people so heartless?