We don't know what happened to Tori's nose. Just the other day we noticed some spots on it and some swelling. Its like they just popped up. The next day things looked a bit worse. The swelling has gone down at least. She is going to visit Roxey, Huney and Bon tomorrow so I gave her a good wipe down and brushing and I think I made it look worse.

We don't know if her and Katie got too rough or if she got into something outside or what happened. We have both been home with the pups the past few days and neither one of us saw anything different between the dogs and they don't stay out too long because of the heat. Who knows what happened!? I just hope it doesn't get worse and heals up ok. Right now Tori is very upset with me and won't even look at me. She is mad because I wiped her down and got her wet. She is in her crate and refuses to acknowledge me