
I've entered my kitty, Jack in a contest at the website above. Please vote for him. If he wins first place, his picture is included at a site that has greeting cards and if he wins second place his picture is posted at the above site for the month.

Here's a little bit about him: Jack is now 2 1/2 years old. My husband and I got him when he was 3 months old from the Animal Shelter in our area. When we got him, we were specifically looking for a grey kitty (my husband liked the look of them) and I would go to their website every day to see if they had gotten any new kitties in. When I saw the picture of Jack, I knew that I had to go out there right away to see him. When I went to see him, I absolutely fell in love w/ him. He was the smallest of his litter, but had the biggest personality. He has definitely added so much joy to our lives. He loves to cuddle and give head butts. He also loves to bug his big kitty sister Ali.

Anyway, if you would consider voting for him, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!