Hello everyone I am new to this site,I just happened to stumble across it when I was looking for some info on kennel cough. Well here is how my story goes....my family just lost our old english bulldog of 12 years back in september. My husband myself and our three children were devastated. It took us awhile but we accepted it and finally decided we were ready for a new family member...we went to several stores,kennels,breeders and we finally found a 12 week old boxer that caught our eye and had to come home with us we paid 900.00 for him. He was great for the first day then all of a sudden he started with this alwful cough needless to say we were extremely worried. We took him to the vet and he said that he had kennel cough he gave us some robotussin and some zithromax and said it's not that bad and that everything else looked good. Now I am getting worried our puppy is sleeping all the time,not eating or drinking much..I did change him from dry food to soft food and he seems to be eating that better but he is still not drinking much. Do you think this is from the medication? The vet said to wait about 3-4 days at the initial appt. and we should see a improvement.I am just worried and I don;t know if these symptoms are normal for this kennel cough?Sorry this is so long just wanted to get some input from some other sources. Thank you,
Judy in Pa