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Thread: nauseous when I wake up (NOT pregnant)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY

    nauseous when I wake up (NOT pregnant)

    For the last 2 years I have felt nauseous in the mornings and anytime I wake up, like if I take a nap or wake up in the middle of the night.

    2 years ago when this first started it was not all the time, usually only if I didn't get enogh sleep or if I had to eliminate myself. And I would only feel nauseous for about 5-15 minutes. At first it would happen once a week or so.

    Over the years it has worsened. Slowly it started to happen more frequently & lasted longer.

    For the last 5 or so months or so it has been EVERY morning and it lasts now for 25-70 minutes.

    It makes no difference if I eat before I go to bed or not, if I eat when I get up or not, doesn't matter how much sleep I get or if I have to go to the bathroom or anything. And this happens AS SOON as I wake up. I start feeling nauseous within a matter of seconds if that, like before I can even shut off my alarm clock.

    I have no other symptoms, no heartburn or indegestion or anything.

    I am a little stressed out sometimes but not that often and for that long.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this?
    Yes I am going to the doctor but they can't get me in for another month.
    Last edited by lv4dogs; 12-22-2005 at 03:15 PM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Chihuahua, Mexico
    my hubby has teh same thing but it stops as soon as he get in the shower, and he went to get himself checked because like you said it was caused no matter what he did or didn´t do/ate/etc., and they told him it was probably caused in its mayority by stress, so maybe that tha case with you too, anyway its awful to feel like that, hope you gets better
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i dont get neasua but when im sleeping and its only on the weekend i get really bad gas stomach aches they kil so bad and i have to wake up so i wake up at like 6-8 every weekend i dont get any sleep,it better not be like that over the holidays
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Yikes - that sounds miserable.

    How soon do you eat breakfast in the morning?

    Have you tried having something munch on as soon as you wake up, like 7-up and/or saltine crackers? I know thats a trick some pregnant women use. You could probably just google words like "nausea remedy causes" and come up with information.

    Time for disclaimer here - I am not a medical professional - it could be caused by something very simple or something very serious so please do keep your doctor's appt.

    good luck.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    Quote Originally Posted by catland
    Yikes - that sounds miserable.

    How soon do you eat breakfast in the morning?

    Have you tried having something munch on as soon as you wake up, like 7-up and/or saltine crackers? I know thats a trick some pregnant women use. You could probably just google words like "nausea remedy causes" and come up with information.

    Time for disclaimer here - I am not a medical professional - it could be caused by something very simple or something very serious so please do keep your doctor's appt.

    good luck.
    Yeah it stinks, since it is happening every morning now I have been getting up a half hour early in the monring so I can get everything I need to get done on time. Most mornings I spend about 15-30 minutes just sitting there cause I feel so yucky.

    I usually don't eat until 1-2 hours after I wake up. I have tried eating right away but it doesn't help at all. So now I just wait until I am hungry to eat.

    And yeah, I figured it has to be either something very simple or something very serious, doesn't really seem like something that would be in the middle. I will keep my Dr's appt. because I HATE feeling like this.
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas
    I have the same problem and lately it got worse - I had some tests done and they revealed a bacteria - Hellicobacteria Pyllori (sp?) and some other small problems. I have to start taking medication - I will start next week and I hope it will get better. All my co-workers kept making fun of me saying that I might be pregnant

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