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Thread: New Fur Child!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    New Fur Child!

    Afternoon All!

    Well.. I did it again.. brought home another fur child from our SPCA. :-)
    He was found in June/July by a woman who found him lying in the road after being hit by a car. She took him to vet who had him sent to another vet. THat vet called our SPCA. His leg was shattered in 5 places. The director's husband took him to a specialist and he said there wasn't alot that could be done... so he put the fur child in a cast and hoped for the best. After a few weeks the "owner" was found and he said he didn't have time for "The cat" and said for us to keep him.

    So after months in a cast Lancelot as he was named at the shelter was cast free. he adjusted pretty well.. he has a permanent and very decided limp. But is a sweet child. he is 5 1/2 years DSH and has two different colored eyes. ABout 5-6 weeks ago he started to act out his frustrations of being cooped up. When we would put him back in his kennel after being in the play room he would scream and try to scratch and bite. Soooo a foster Mom was called and he went for a little R and R. But Foster Momma couldn't adopt him... so I said that I couldn't bear the thought of him going back into a keennel after being "free" so I went in today and brought him home.

    Naturally.. when I got home.. Clayton and Tucker were in the kitchen. Tucker looked at Lance and HISSED.. Clayton ran. Later when I went in to see Lance in the guest room Tucker my nosey boy was right by my feet.. I opened the door and Lance hissed at him. I am going to try and keep them separated for awhile..... see how it goes. He is a sweet child. Foster Mom said that after about a week she let her fur children and him meet an dit was ok. he keeps tryting to escape from his guest room.... He wants to get out and explore.

    Wish us luck!!!!

    I was telling our daughter about him .... she suggested that his name be changed to MORGAN... I like that.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Congrats on your new kitty!!! I'm so glad that you decided to give him a loving forever home. He sounds adorable and I'm sure that in time he'll fit right in. Can you post any pictures of him for us?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    He sounds like a cat with lots of cat-titude Thanks for taking him into your home!! Why change his name? I like the name Lancelot for him, as he is a lil fighter too!
    Last edited by Maya & Inka's mommy; 03-24-2005 at 07:52 AM.
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    THank you all for your kind words.

    Last night Tucker saw "Lancelot". I held Tucker then I put him outside the door. When I went to pet Lance he HISSSSSSED at me and swatted me.
    Do you think it is becasue I had Tucker's scent on me or Lance was jealous?

    Lance has been thru hell Ladies and I love him.. loved him from the first time I saw him in his little cast.... do you think it will work out?
    I have them separated. Lance is in seclusion.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    It's still too early to tell. Some cats accept others faster and then some will only tolerate the new cat. I'd take the introductions very slowly. You may want to get a towel and rub Lancelots scent on it so your other cats can get used to his smell. Then use a different towel and rub Tuckers and Claytons scent on that so Lancelot can get used to their scent. Hopefully in time everyone will accept each other. Good luck. I love the name Lancelot and wouldn't change it if I was you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I have confidence that everything will be ok. :-)

    This morning I went in and sat with "Lance". Bless his heart.. he hopped up on my lap and buried his head in my arm and purred like a frieght train and kneaded my arm and leg. I kept thinking that maybe he was kneading and purring because he is insecure and this was making him feel safe and comfortable.
    Isn't kneading a throw back to when they were babies and with their Momma's? He is starved for love. he has taken to my husband too. This boy is no dummy... come to think of it ALL of our fur children hop up on Daddy's lap.. and just look at him.. after that he's putty in their paws. :-)

    As far as my husband is concerned.. this is it.. Lance is here for good. I just hope the other fur children eventually feel the same way.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats

    Congratulations on your new furkid!! I'm so glad you decided to adopt an older kitty. So many of them get overlooked at the shelters simply because they're not as "cute" as kittens.


    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hi MoosMom,
    I LOVE older fur children.
    I only take older ones for that very reason.... We had one sweet precious child that was with us for 15 months.. and finally went home last weekend.
    This big guy stole my heart last summer..but we didn't think he would be good with other kitties.....his foster mom said he was fine.. and I said then he's coming home with me. I could not bear the thought that after 5-6 weeks being free that he would be put back in a kennel. He was in a cast for months.....and has a really bad limp but loves to be held and purrs like a freight train.

    Please pray that eventually all of my precious angels accept the newest child.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    OK KIDS,
    Here we go again.

    We had Morgan (Lnacelot) in the bedroom on the bed. My hubby was holding him. Tucker comes in.... all was quiet....Tucker ambles out.. and Morgan starts growling AFTER he leaves....I pick him up to puthim back in the guest room.. he starts growking BIG TIME....I gently put him on the bed becasue of the leg.. and he hisses and swats at ME!

    Tail was snapping and he turned his back on me. What did I do???? Was it Tucker's scent on me? Was it becasue I put him back in a closed room and he rememebrs his kennel?
    Is he still so insecure? All of the above? WHY swat at me? Iam on his side!

    I sat on the floor with him.. and kissed his head and left him to chill out.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA, where life is happy and gay!
    Give them time - it's only been a day or two. It took my two several weeks to be in the same room with each other without hissing and growling. It's all part of them figuring out who's top cat.

    Little Ms. Mitzi Mitts
    Our Photo Albums are
    Here and Here
    In memory of my beloved fur children, Goldie, Mishi and Mitzi.
    Rest in peace and play hard at the Rainbow Bridge.
    Goldie: 9/5/88 - 4/10/03
    Mishi: with us from 5/5/03 - 7/13/07
    Mitzi: with us from 4/19/03 - 1/23/10

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    THAT I can understand.. but he hissed and swatted at ME!

    I went in a little while ago and sat in the big overstuffed chair. It has soft fleece blankets on it.. He sat there with me.. and started kneading the blankets then stuck his nose in the blankets and purring... then he was kneading my stomach and purring. I guess I Have been forgiven for whatever it was I did.

    How long do you all keep your fur children separated? With each of mine it was different. Clayton was out and about after two days... Tucker kept escaping and after the first day I threw up my hands. he and Clayton hissed and growled for weeks. Morgan has been in confinement since Sunday and has only had glimpses of the boys..... we haven't even broached Princess Shadow yet.
    This boy has basically been in a kennel for the past 7-8 months and I think he wants OUT.. but becasue of his leg I am afraid to let him out with the boys around.


    Dumb Momma Deb

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA, where life is happy and gay!
    There is no "usual" as all cats are different, but I did a search on Pet Talk when I adopted Mishi and looked on the web too on how to introduce a new cat to the resident cat(s). The "norm" is about a week or two. I was advised to keep them completely separated for a week and then to slowly introduce them to each other with supervised visits for an hour or so a day. It worked for me - two weeks was all I could stand to have one or the other locked up. Of course the first time I left them unsupervised while I went to work, I was a nervous wreck, but there was no blood when I got home It's taken my two a long time to get cozy. They're FINALLY sleeping together, although not all the time, That's ONLY taken two years

    Little Ms. Mitzi Mitts
    Our Photo Albums are
    Here and Here
    In memory of my beloved fur children, Goldie, Mishi and Mitzi.
    Rest in peace and play hard at the Rainbow Bridge.
    Goldie: 9/5/88 - 4/10/03
    Mishi: with us from 5/5/03 - 7/13/07
    Mitzi: with us from 4/19/03 - 1/23/10

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I know what you mean RedHead.
    It has been different with each of mine. Morgan is just itching to get out and explore.. but the "Boys" are usually right outside his door so I don't dare. We do take Morgan into another room with us. He wants OUT! But I don't dare.

    When I have Morgan in another room then the boys go into the room where Morgan was in they can sniff his scent.

    I Have noticed that Tucker has been throwing up. I think he is anxious. Clayton has been more in seclusion. So I praise them both give extra extra hugs and kisses......Shadow knows something is up but remains in her throne room most of the time in front of her heater.

    When Morgan is in my husband's study withhim at night , he lays on the desk and helps Jim on the internet by pushing his hand on the "Mouse". He also lays on Jim's chest and kneads him like he does me.

    Blessings to all of you for your kindness, help, love and support,

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    syracuse, ny
    yahoo cats info recently had a post on this and suggested introducing the cats to each other one at a time, by keeping one of them in it's carrier and allow the other one to walk freely through room...just take your time and be patient, they will learn to love each other...also, if your cat is growling , i don't recommend picking them up, that may be why Morgan turned on you...hope all goes well, you did well to rescue Morgan, as you know he will repay you in full!!! (PICS!!!!!!)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    I bought a BABY GATE yesterday at Wal-Mart and put it up. It gives the boys a chance to see Morgan and he them. Clayton just sat and stared at him an dTUcker walked by and hissed like he "had" to.

    THank you for all your help and support.


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