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Thread: Kitty developing a problem

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  1. #1

    Kitty developing a problem

    My Minette has developed a problem. I can't imagine what is causing this, because she's never done anything like this before, and she's over four years old.

    Every night, we close the kitties (there are two) in the spare bedroom. They have toys, and their litterboxes are in there, and they have water. They don't have food, because both are overweight, and they'll eat all night if we leave it in there with them.

    Anyway, we let them out every morning and have some happy cat time. The crazy Wobbles jumps on our bed, and kneads and purrs. Minette gets her love, too.

    Now lately, Minette has been leaving a rather unpleasant "present" right beside the door, by their water dish. Shje's pooping in the floor! We've cleaned it up each time, scrubbed it well, and sprayed with febreze.

    They have two litter boxes, which we keep clean. She's not declawed, and nothing has changed in the last year to make her do this. And its always in the same spot!

    Any ideas on why she's doing this, and what we can do to stop her?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    A message

    My guess: they want out of that room. I would take up whatever food you have sitting around and let them out of that room at night. Maybe even change rooms! Did you change the type of litter you use?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Is it a normal type poop (vs. a soft, diarrhea type)?
    You could attempt to put a litter box directly on that spot. See if she uses it or uses another part of the floor. This will give you a clue as to the next step. If she uses it. keep it there and gradually move it to where you eventually want it to be. (slowly is the key here). If she doesn't use it then she is rebelling against something else. That is where you must think of ANY possible change, even if it seems remote.
    type of litter
    scent of litter (companies change their products so you may think that you are buying the same thing)
    Times of in room/out of room
    feeding time
    cleaner (for boxes, or carpet etc)
    the list could go on endlessly
    And of course you may want to have her examined by a vet./
    Best of luck.

  4. #4
    DEfinitely can't let them out of the room. They tear up the whole house from sheer boredom if we do. Plus, Wobbles tends to steal any small thing she can and hide it under the couch.

    The poop is normal, as far as I can tell. We haven't changed the litter in months, but it IS the cheap store brand. They have always seemed to like it, and it actually works better than TidyCat at controlling odor.

    Thanks for the advice

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA

    This isn't really your question, but, I am curious...why do the cats have to be locked up all night (and yes, I know some PT do it...but...)? Don't you let them have the run of the place during the day? Wouldn't they exhibit the same tendencies to "tear up the whole house from boredom" whether it is day or night? I think maybe they are bored/displeased from the confinement....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Independence, Kansas
    Dragonchilde. If you have not change the litter in months, this is probably the root of the problem. Regardless of how little it is used, it should be changed at least once a week and the container washed out. I have a furkid named Little Bit (because she is so tiny), that will not use a litterbox or tub, especially if it has been used before by any of the others. I did see her use a litter tub the other day, but she did not attempt to cover it up. Otherwise she poops wherever she wants. She will then attempt to cover it up, even if there is nothing available in which to hide it with. You might have to try different brands of cat litter to find one that she will readily use. And she might have to have her own private litterbox besides.


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