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Thread: Nebo, Keva, Skya, and Syd's Christmas <pics>

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah

    Nebo, Keva, Skya, and Syd's Christmas <pics>

    I hope all of you had a great Christmas! Here are some pictures from ours...

    Nebo is so funny, he's just like a little kid on Christmas morning. He left the presents under the tree alone until the morning...he knew it was time to open them so he kept helping himself to presents. Once he unwrapped one he'd go back for another (whether it was a dog present or not! I had to steal a few back from him).
    Here he is picking one out

    It didn't take Skya long to figure out that unwrapping presents is fun! Here she is helping Nebo open one

    "Do I have something in my teeth?"

    Keva is a an expert gift opener, she likes to shred the paper too

    Out of all the dog toys, Nebo picked out a squeaky candy cane as the one he liked best. Of course, if Nebo likes it, Keva wants she is pretending to not be interested...

    She takes the opportunity to "sniff" the toy when Nebo isn't looking

    Look at Nebo's face...I had to steal it back for him because of that face

    To make sure the wrapping paper made a big enough mess, they played and rolled around in it too

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Why you should never teach your dogs to unwrap gifts

    With their bones..

    She earned this after the running off in the canyon stunt!

    "Do we really have to wait?"

    With their Christmas loot

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Their favorite present of all....lots of snow! I also bought them a sled to use in the snow but I didn't really get any pics of that today

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Nice pictures!! They are so cute. Skya is getting so big! I hope you guys all had a great Christmas

  5. #5
    That looked great fun!!!!

  6. #6
    What a fun time! Your Huskies are too darn gorgeous! Looks like they got a lot of loot from Santa Paws!
    Forever in my heart...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Beautiful pictures. Especially of the snow!! WOW!!!!!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by wolf_Q View Post

    Nebo is so funny, he's just like a little kid on Christmas morning.
    He left the presents under the tree alone until the morning ...
    he knew it was time to open them so he kept helping himself to presents.
    Once he unwrapped one he'd go back for another
    (whether it was a dog present or not!
    I had to steal a few back from him).
    From a 2005 remembering >>>
    Did someone say "PREZINTZ"???

    Dear Casey (my First Shepherd, now RB )
    had another Christmas "Talent"...
    From PuppyHood she'd been trained to Un-Wrap her own presents ~
    Dawggie Bisquits were placed in ALL her wrapped gifts and her stocking -
    and she caught on at her First Christmas ~
    Even if she didn't appreciate the "gift" - there was always a
    tastie TREAT under that pretty paper & ribbon!
    Four Pawz & a mouthfull of toofies could strip a package in seconds!
    When Arrow, da *Watch Dawg* (also now RB ) arrived at da Ranch -
    Casey "taught" him the UN-Wrap drill - and he was a FAST Learner!
    Da Kat was also a participant -
    her gifts had "Pounce" Treats and Kat-NIP under the Wraps.

    About their third Christmas; we were having Family over...
    Extra prezints were plentiful under the Tree on Christmas Eve in
    anticipation of the Family Krowd on Christmas Day.

    Included were MANY Packages for Casy & Arrow Dawgs and Fred, da Kat.
    As was the Custom - THEIR Prezintz were "salted" wiff Dog and Kat Treats
    under the wraps or in the boxes.

    Santa & the Elf finished arranging da Loot under the Tree ...
    Off to the BigBed - Hoomins, Two Dawgs, anna Kat.
    Zzzzzzzzzz till Xmas Morn...

    We missed the first *hint* of what was to soon be disovered ~
    Da KAT was *stoned* beyond belief on the BigBed come morning!
    And da Dawgz weren't too eager to get up -
    I though I heard someone *BuRRp*!

    "C'mone Guyz ~ Let's go see what SandiePawz brung ya!"
    Out to the Living Room we go...

    The room was a major **DISASTER**!!
    There wasn't a SINGLE present that wasn't either completely UN-Wrapped
    or hadn't at least been *inspected* by a Dawg or da Kat!

    They even pulled the STOCKINGS down off the mantle!
    SHREDS of paper & ribbon covered the living & dining rooms!
    ALL Dawg & Kat and Two-Legger /Hoomin prezzies were
    De-Wrapped and De-Boxed and THOROUGHLY *inspected* for the
    sought-after hidden *treats*...


    Most of Christmas Day was spent cleaning, salvaging, and RE-Wrapping...

    Kumpany Kame ...
    Gifts were exchanged ...
    *Puzzled Looks* were given ... ??

    Seemed that more than a few gifts had received a bit of
    "personalization" by da Santa'z Helpurz Kritterz...
    a Toofie Mark here,
    a Klaw Skratch there...

    It was a Memorable Christmas ~
    Family Members were bursting into laughter HOURS later!

    RIP, Casey, Arrow, and Fred!
    May all Three of you FurKids have another Wonderful Christmas
    at the Rainbow Bridge! Dad *misses* Y'all!

    The current Tribe doesn't hold a candle to Nebo, Keva, Skya, Casey, Arrow nor Fred da KAT -
    all UNwrappers extrodinare!

    Merry Christmas, FurKids!!

  9. #9
    It looks like they made out well. That made me laugh with Keva with all the wrapping paper. You have the most gorgeous pups ever, Amy including Sydney. I love the stuffed bones especially the Jingle Pup ones. thanks so much for sharing and I am glad you all had a very Merry Christmas.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    North Texas
    Beautiful dogs, beautiful pictures as usual!! They love that snow, don't they? Boomer hasn't experienced snow yet, but I'm sure he'll be a little scaredy cat like he is about everything new! HA
    Shannon, Boomer, and Sooner

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Loved the pictures, Amy. It looks like Christmas was a lot of fun at your house. I cannot believe they are napping in the snow. Silly Huskies.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pensacola Beach,FL
    They really raked it in! Looks like lots of fun! Chloe is a master gift opener too! Beanie says he's too old to open gifts...That's puppy stuff.
    Owned by two little pastries!


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