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Thread: What happened with Ozzy???

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA

    What happened with Ozzy???

    I'd like to draw on all the varied PT experience and see what may hve happened.

    Ozzy was sound asleep on my bed. I was sitting on the edge, putting on socks and shoes, so my back was to him. Suddenly he was yelping and howling, struggling to get up. I lifted him up and set him on the floor where he continued the horrendous sounds for quite sometime. Well, maybe 3 minutes, but it seemed like ages. After, his back was quite arched, almost like a cat.

    He just stood there, looking rather dazed, didn't move, not even turning his head. After another minute, he slowly sat down, moving his front feet back, not moving his rear end. I carried him out to th back yard; wanted to get him off the lino and hard wood floors, all slippery surfaces. Again he just stood there.

    I walked around the yard (picking up dog poops), and he moved his front to keep facing me; barely move his rear end at all. When I was done, he walked slowly to the step, I carried him inside. About 10 minutes later, he was moving more normally, his back was in the usual position again.

    I thought he just have moved funny sitting up and pulled a muscle in his back. But I talked to someone who told me that this is classic for an elderly dog having a heart attack! I know he has a heart murmur, age related. As of last October, he was 'at least 14.'

    Now I don't know what to think. Or DO, if anything!

    3 hours later, he ate his full supper; Ozzy is almost ALWAYS a member of the Clean Plate Club!

    Anyone have any thoughts / ideas / suggestions? All I"m doing is keeping an eye on him at this point
    Last edited by Freedom; 04-19-2008 at 06:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Just call the vet's office, even leave a message...just describe what happened, and see what they say.

    And yeah, keep an eye on poor Ozzy. How old is he?

    Prayers for Ozzy that it was 'just' a pulled muscle - oww!

    Hugs to Ozzy.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    Your experience sounds exactly like what happened to Mz K-lo's beagle cuzin, Gizmo! He gets lifted onto the bed, but wimpered and howled and shook, he couldn't move his back legs. Anyway. poor little guy wound up having some disc problems in his lower back. He was fine until he laid on the bed, so maybe he moved wrong earlier in the day. We will never know, but he was put on prednisone for a while and antibiotics and "quiet time" (for a beagle? was really hard). Anyway, he was back to normal after a month.

    I hope Ozzy just had a creak or cramp, I'm happy he seems fine now, thankfully, huh? Please explain to Ozzy that it's ME who's trying to muster up tons of sympathy, so stay off my turf!


    I've been Boooo'd!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    How frightening! My first thought was some sort of disk problem although it confused me because it began when he was just lying down. Years ago I had a toy poodle with a disk problem which occurred after a jump. She, too, had the hunched walk (sort of like a cat, as you describe) afterwards. After some steroids she was good as new. I think a call to the vet just to pick his brain would be in order. I'm glad that he seems to be better. A good appetite to me is always a sign that things are going to be OK. Give him some special gentle hugs from me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Candace, Ozzy is "at least 14." I added that in my initial post.

    Well, it happened again at 4:30 this morning. He woke me with that horrible scary yelping. I set him on the floor, and he kept at it for bit, then stopped. No arched back, this time. He was shaking with fear, poor dog.

    I lifted him back on the bed and gave him long slow strokes to calm him down.* He yelped when I lifted him. Half an hour alter, he was sound asleep and snoring. Me? Wide awake and worried.

    I'll phone his vet when they open at 9 AM. I'm puzzled if it is a back /disc issue, as Ozzy walks and that is about it. He doesn't run, jump, can't even do stairs.

    I just learned that reading "The Other End of the Leash," by Patricia McConnell!

  6. #6
    My money goes with a back problem. Some pred and a week or 2 of crate rest may put him right, but he'll probably have it happen again once in awhile. Also keep an eye out for worsening symptoms--not being able to pee, dribbling pee, etc.

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