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Thread: I hate doctor's offices! *grrr*

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA

    I hate doctor's offices! *grrr*

    I was recently diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). They prescribed a medicine which should help "fix" the problem and make me better. Ok, so I went and had my kidney's tested (its such a great drug that its known to destroy kidneys! ) and started this new wonder drug. I immediately lost weight and some of the side effects of the PCOS went away.

    However, I had terrible headaches and migraines the entire time I was on the drug. Silly me took 2 months to figure that out, and I only figured that out after I forgot to take it for two days and realized that those were the first two days in months where I didn't have a bad headache. I called the gyno and asked if there was a drug that would help my PCOS but not give me the side effects. They refused to prescribe anything over the phone and made me come in for an office visit.

    I reluctantly made an appotinment knowing full well that today's office visit would be a waste of time and copay. I figured my $20 copay would allow them to tell me my blood work showed I was healthy in every way but the PCOS and I could have this wonderful new prescription and be on my merry way. Right? WRONG.

    The first part of my scenario was correct: she told me my bloodwork showed I am healthy in every way except for the PCOS.... only instead of prescribing me something, she told me I have to go to my regular family doctor (PCOS is very closely linked with diabetes, and my insulin levels are slightly elevated so she wants me to see my dr. and he can help me regulate my insulin levels.) Why the *$%@ didn't they just tell me that first, instead of making me pay $20 for the office visit that did NOTHING for me! Do I look like I'm made of money?

    Then she tells me something that I could kill her for: the most likely reason the medicine she prescribed caused headaches was because my insulin levels were only slightly elevated and the meds probably over-corrected the problem. She said she's seen it in other woman whose levels were only slightly elevated the way mine were. Ummmmm..... why did you put me on it then? ESPECIALLY when you know I have a medical history of chronic migraines?

    I am so scathing mad right now. Thanks for letting me ramble and rant.

  2. #2
    Sorry to hear about your sucky doctor visit I know that I never leave a doctor's office feeling like I really accomplished a lot, and I just hate going. So what's next now?

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