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Thread: Memories

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Born in South Carolina - Retired in Ohio


    all these posts about cokes are making me nostalgic.

    My grandfather used to eat peas with a knife. How about using an outhouse in the wintertime...brrrr....feeding corn to our farm's front porch with soapy water and straw brooms. Does anyone have similar memories?
    Dennis...Grandpa to Misha,Tyler & Annika

  2. #2
    Yes! When I went to visit cousins at my grandma's house, they told me about snipe hunting and all the money we could make. Of course *I* was the one who would hold the bag while the others went out to scare the mysterious critters my way
    OK, so I DID sit there about an hour and finally came home after everyone was having dinner already My grandma saved me a plate though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Heh, maybe not quite the same memories but dang they were fun times!

    My first swimming pool was a hole dad dug in the back yard. It was about 2 ft deep and a good 6-7 ft in diamiter *biiiig hole lol* We couldn't aford a pool really so dad dug it out for us and the dogs to play in. The next year we "Upgraded" and put a plastic tarp down in the hole as a lining .

    We had a huge porch we hosed off and swept...the dogs hung out there and made the place dirty as all get out. The porch was big enough to where the dogs could sleep under it and we put straw and blankets down there for em, it was like a den!

    Mom always fed *and still does* the local quail chicken feed...does that count for the feeding chickens one lol?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Oh and Debbie, I fell for the stupid Snipe hunting thing too

  5. #5
    Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
    Oh and Debbie, I fell for the stupid Snipe hunting thing too

    Dennis thinks *I* am the only one!!! Funny Kristina!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    Every summer my family, cousins, aunts and uncles would stay at the beach and several times we would have these huge beach parties and the kids would have watermelon seed spitting contests and build a big bonfire. One summer I was miserable cause my two front teeth had come out and I had to have the corn cut off the cob like the "old folks". The elderly great aunts all made fudge and we kids got to "judge" who's was best. They were all sisters and had the same handed down recipe of course

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Born in South Carolina - Retired in Ohio

    more memories

    Oh, Here I go again...memories....

    Did ya make ever made straw forts in the hayloft? Or...swing down the big loading rope in the front of the barn..have a pet calf...fetch water from the well???ride an uncles big mule??? Did you ever get lost in a corn or cotton field????Go frog gigging with the adults????drive a tractor into a ditch...deep sigh...Did you ever have a front porch sing along???
    Dennis...Grandpa to Misha,Tyler & Annika

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by sirrahbed
    Yes! When I went to visit cousins at my grandma's house, they told me about snipe hunting and all the money we could make. Of course *I* was the one who would hold the bag while the others went out to scare the mysterious critters my way
    OK, so I DID sit there about an hour and finally came home after everyone was having dinner already My grandma saved me a plate though.
    They tried to pull that on me when I was in Texas but I didn't quite fall for it. I did go out at night but I basically knew it was a joke not long after I was there.

    The only outhouse I've ever used was for a big party our department had out in the boondocks one year. It was out in the middle of nowhere in a cow pasture. After it got dark, the moquitos were horrible! But, the party was a lot of fun.

    I'll have to get my mom to tell some tales here because she grew up on a farm and when she was a little girl, she had to do lots of things. She had to kill the chickens for dinner. Sling them around in a cirlce by the neck until......ugh. I don't think I could have done it.

    I did the right thing by setting you free
    But the pain is very deep.
    If only I could turn back time, forever, you I'd keep.
    I miss you

    I hear you whimper in your sleep
    I gently pet you and say, no bad dreams
    It will be alright, to my dog as dark as night.

    Fur as dark as the night.
    Join me on this flight.
    Paws of love that follow me.
    In my heart you'll forever be.

    How I wish I could hold you near.
    Turn back time to make it so.
    Hug you close and never let go.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    West Columbia, SC
    I remember the outhouse in winter. Brrrrrrr is only half of it. We lived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where temperatures can drop to minus 30.

    And I remember one time when I was about 7 when I tried to go back to the house, there was a brown bear on the path!

    I remember washing in the creek because we didn't have a bathroom. It was easier in the summer than having Mom haul the water. And I remember taking turns in the tub in the kitchen with the wood stove keeping us warm.

    And I remember the time the cat decided to land on the hot stove pipe. Poor cat!

    This was not at camp---This was every day. I sure appreciate hot & cold running water now.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Does howling on the front porch with a wolf mix count as a sing along lol? The dog was happy, I was happy but mom...well she said we need to take voice lessons

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Born in South Carolina - Retired in Ohio
    Originally posted by mruffruff

    And I remember taking turns in the tub in the kitchen with the wood stove keeping us warm.

    Yes, the tub . We also used a corrugated tub but heated the water on a Ben Franklin stove. We did have a wood stove in the kitchen also. The pets usually slept behind it to stay warm. Grandma somehow made PERFECT bisquits every morning from that very stove. We also ate yum...fat back..good gravy from the grease, and homemade blackberry jam...of course in the fall we would all go Blackberry pickin and the women would make jam. We did have a pump in the kitchen which pumped well water into our kitchen sink. Our kitchen table looked like a huge picnic table. Our chairs were all straight back woven straw ...and easy to tip...
    By the electricity...we had kerosine lamps throughout the house...nuf 4 now
    Dennis...Grandpa to Misha,Tyler & Annika

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Born in South Carolina - Retired in Ohio
    Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
    Does howling on the front porch with a wolf mix count as a sing along lol? The dog was happy, I was happy but mom...well she said we need to take voice lessons
    Our Hound dogs ALWAYS sang along on our porch too!!!!Uh we did try to make a joyful noise....
    Dennis...Grandpa to Misha,Tyler & Annika

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Born in South Carolina - Retired in Ohio
    My first swimming pool was a hole dad dug in the back yard. It was about 2 ft deep and a good 6-7 ft in diamiter *biiiig hole lol* We couldn't aford a pool really so dad dug it out for us and the dogs to play in. The next year we "Upgraded" and put a plastic tarp down in the hole as a lining .

    We had a huge porch we hosed off and swept...the dogs hung out there and made the place dirty as all get out. The porch was big enough to where the dogs could sleep under it and we put straw and blankets down there for em, it was like a den!

    Mom always fed *and still does* the local quail chicken feed...does that count for the feeding chickens one lol?
    I loved the swimming pool "upgrade"..That's sounds like something my dad would do...

    Yes, Southern Houses were always built on brick blocks and no telling what you would find living under there.

    Yep that counts...
    Dennis...Grandpa to Misha,Tyler & Annika

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Born in South Carolina - Retired in Ohio
    Originally posted by lbaker
    Every summer my family, cousins, aunts and uncles would stay at the beach and several times we would have these huge beach parties and the kids would have watermelon seed spitting contests and build a big bonfire.
    AHH Watermelons...the watermelons in South Carolina were big as buicks ...(Maybe a slight stretch) We kids mostly spit the seed at each other though
    Dennis...Grandpa to Misha,Tyler & Annika

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