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Thread: The Potential Danger of Facebook ‘Tagging’

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada

    The Potential Danger of Facebook ‘Tagging’

    I turned off the tagging feature long ago...

    Wonder why Facebook is so enthusiastic about tagging everyone, especially on their faces? They are amassing a huge database of facial profiles that can be linked to an array of personal information. Over 500 million people around the world have willingly uploaded – and basically given – Facebook about 90 billion photos, which in this data-driven, security-obsessed era means Facebook is sitting on the nest that offers one golden egg after another. To tap into this nest of golden eggs further, Facebook acquired, a company that specializes in facial recognition technology, which only confirms the conclusion of unprecedented research undertaken by Carnegie Mellon University that Facebook “has essentially become a worldwide photo identification database.” The idea being developed — and not just via Facebook — is that you (or the police, the FBI, CIA, marketing firms, evildoers or whomever) will be able to hold up a smart phone in public and scan each face as it walks by. Facial recognition technology, in fact, is already being used by the private sector in high-end stores who seek to identify celebrity shoppers when they walk in the door. Next, they will be identifying you.
    Not only will the facial recognition software/app tell you with stunning accuracy who each person is, it will also likely be able to link to private info like addresses, phone numbers, employers, who your friends are and if you went to college.
    If you are wondering how I know about this, I was at a blogger conference in Park City, Utah and one break-out session was titled, “What is the Social Network Technology of the Future.” This face-tracking scenario was described as inevitable, despite privacy concerns. It was noted that Facebook, which had struggled to find a way to monetize its service, is perfectly poised to make mega-bucks from the massive amount of data they are accumulating through our own innocent consent.
    One way around this is to not tag — or to tag a non-descript section of the photo like a background tree, which is what I now do, when I do choose to tag. Of course, refraining from posting personal photos is the best option, but: a) what fun is Facebook if you cannot post photos and b) you cannot control what your Uncle Bob, roommate or teenage friend decides to upload and tag. You can also visit the privacy setting on your Facebook page and partially opt out of tagging features — but this feature will not prevent Facebook from mining biometric information in your photos.
    Unfortunately, it is too late for me. I have dozens of facial photos tagged with my name and subsequently Facebook already recognizes me, as evidenced by Facebook’s seemingly friendly offer to tag me in untagged photos.
    What once seemed like an innocuous gesture (facial tagging) and a great way to share photos with friends and family, now seems increasingly creepy. With the direction that facial recognition technology is going, 17th century masquerade parties are starting to look a lot more inviting.
    To read more about the growing privacy invasion via Facebook check-out:
    Why Facebook Home bothers me: It destroys any notion of privacy
    Facebook Facial Recognition: Its Quiet Rise and Dangerous Future
    Why Facebook’s Facial Recognition is Creepy

    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    So did I but what gets me is someone can tag you in a picture that you are not in ..

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vicenza, Italy
    I remove any and all tagging done by others. I have told friends not to tag me and when it is ads and crap or other stuff I remove and report it as spam. I try to keep things to a level I am ok with. I am sure there are a million loopholes and you can find a bunch of stuff but I try anyway.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I saw a piece about this - I think it was on 60 Minutes. It was scary! Lesley Stahl went to a restaurant with a facial recognition camera, it recognized her and was attached to a program that sent discounts for that exact restaurant to her smart phone about 2 minutes after she got there. Creepy. Life is less anonymous than it used to be.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom View Post
    I saw a piece about this - I think it was on 60 Minutes. It was scary! Lesley Stahl went to a restaurant with a facial recognition camera, it recognized her and was attached to a program that sent discounts for that exact restaurant to her smart phone about 2 minutes after she got there. Creepy. Life is less anonymous than it used to be.
    I find that if I am shopping for something on line, a few minutes later an add for that item pops up on my FB page.

  6. #6
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    More reasons why I don't do FB..................
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonandBean View Post
    I find that if I am shopping for something on line, a few minutes later an add for that item pops up on my FB page.
    All the more reason to log in to Facebook, and then log out as soon as you are done! That, and clearing your cache at the end of a browsing session is always wise!
    I've Been Frosted


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