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Thread: Sunny's Doing Well & Pearl's Now Doing Much Better!!!:Latest SKY Update 6-17-09

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA

    Sunny's Doing Well & Pearl's Now Doing Much Better!!!:Latest SKY Update 6-17-09

    Hi everyone. As some of you know my Sunny hasn't been feeling well or acting normally for the past 2 weeks or so. He's improved quiet a bit but he's still not his spunky self yet. He's even been hiding out in my bathroom. Starr was chasing him and I think that now he's afraid to run around like he used to.

    I ended up taking both Storm and Sunny in for their annual exams on Sun.April 12th instead of their origial appointment of Sun. April 19th. Sunny had a urinalysis which was normal and blood work taken which showed his kidney levels are elevated a little bit. My vet said it could be due to dehydration but that morning she even commented on how hydrated he was.

    She wants to see him in 1 week for an ultrasound to check out his kidneys and a possible retest of his kidney levels. I called this morning and her only time left for this Sun. is at 7am so I took it. I hope that everything will be okay with him and that he'll start acting like his normal energetic goofy self soon. Please send him some positive vibes.

    He was very good at the vets and while they were drawing his blood,which took forever because they had to use a very small needle, he was purring and making air biscuits. I couldn't believe it because he was trembling just before this out of fear. He's 11.1lbs so he hasn't lost or really gained any weight either which is great and everything else about him is great too.

    Storm had already had a urnialysis and some blood work done in Jan. which came back great but my vet wanted to do another phosphorous blood test and a MSU vit d profile to compare this to last years test. He's had high calcium levels so we need to watch this. He's still 13.9lbs which is great too. His teeth look bad again though and he had a teeth cleaning in May 2008 so it hasn't even been a 1 year yet. My vet said that he's probably genetically predisposed to having bad teeth but she didn't say anything about him getting another teeth cleaning done. That's all for now. Thanks for reading.
    Last edited by krazyaboutkatz; 06-17-2009 at 10:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Good to hear they are mainly healthy. I hope especially Sunny's next kidney test will come out ok. If not- better you get it early. Says Filou the 4 year diagnosis survivor.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts
    WoW your Vet Clinic is open on Sundays.. Mine is open on Sat from 8-noon..

    Well glad to hear Sunny is pretty healthy in general.. Hope the wittle one gets to feeling much better soon.. I as well hope his next kidney test comes out good.. Sending Bigg Huggss & Whisker Kissess & Prayers..

    ~~~Thank You Very Much {Kim} kimlovescats for the Grand Siggy~~~

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    <Sunsets are God's Reminder to Us That At The End of the Day We're All In This Together>

  4. #4
    Positive vibes going out to Sunny and everybody. All in all, it still sounds pretty good.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by lvpets2002 View Post
    WoW your Vet Clinic is open on Sundays.. Mine is open on Sat from 8-noon..

    Well glad to hear Sunny is pretty healthy in general.. Hope the wittle one gets to feeling much better soon.. I as well hope his next kidney test comes out good.. Sending Bigg Huggss & Whisker Kissess & Prayers..
    Yes, my vet clinic is actually open 24 hours because it's also an emergency clinic. My vet works from Sun.-Wed. from 7am-5pm but she does surgeries on Mondays so she doesn't see patients on those days. I always try to make my appointments on Sundays so that I don't miss work because sometimes it takes much longer than I think it will. So far I've been very pleased with all of the vets that I've seen and their customer service is wonderful. I love my vet and she specializes in cats so I try to get all of my appointments with her.

    Thanks for all of the good vibes. I sure hope that it turns out to be nothing and that my Sunny boy will start acting normal again soon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    Tracey, I知 sorry to hear Sunny hasn稚 perked up much, but so hope his ultrasound and kidney levels will show good results! Sounds like he was a good boy when visiting the vet.

    I知 sending lots of positive vibes to him, and to Storm too.

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  7. #7
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    Santa Paula, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Randi View Post
    Tracey, I知 sorry to hear Sunny hasn稚 perked up much, but so hope his ultrasound and kidney levels will show good results! Sounds like he was a good boy when visiting the vet.

    I知 sending lots of positive vibes to him, and to Storm too.
    Thanks Randi. He seems a bit perkier this morning so I hope that this will continue.

    I also forgot to mention that he doesn't have a heart murmur any more. He was found to have a very slight one last year but nothing this year. I'm also going to find out if a thyroid test was done because I read that sometimes this can change a cats personality and make them very lethargic.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Belgium, near Ghent
    Quote Originally Posted by Inka View Post
    Good to hear they are mainly healthy. I hope especially Sunny's next kidney test will come out ok. If not- better you get it early. Says Filou the 4 year diagnosis survivor.
    A question: who posted this?? It was not Inka, even not me (LUT)
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maya & Inka's mommy View Post
    A question: who posted this?? It was not Inka, even not me (LUT)
    I have no idea and I didn't think it was you but it's strange that the username is Inka and that they're from Belgium.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Santa Paula, CA

    Great Update!!!

    Hi, I'm sorry it took me so long to give you an update but it was a crazy morning. Last night Sunny started howling in the hallway and he was running around like he used to do. When I woke up he had several mice in the hallway all lined up. I have my Sunny back!!!

    I went to my 7am appointment with him and since he's now acting normal again, my vet just checked him over and she palpated his kidneys which she said felt normal. She didn't even charge me for his recheck exam. She does want to see him in about 3 months so she can recheck his kidney levels. I'm sure he's going to be fine. His weight is now 11.3lbs and I didn't even feed him before he went to the vet.

    I also received Storm's calcium level blood test that was sent out to MSU and it's totally normal. I'm so glad to hear this. He's been acting very frisky and happy lately so I'm glad to hear that he's also in great health except for his teeth.

    Sky's been having some diarrhea lately and I'm pretty sure that he has the same parasite that Pearl had or has. I talked to my vet about this and she just said that we can give him the same medication that I gave Pearl so I picked that up this morning while I was there.

    Pearl didn't give me a stool sample until 9am this morning so I had to drive all the way back to my vet to drop off her sample. Her stool still looks a bit on the mushy side so I sure hope that her test will be negative this time. She seems to be doing a lot better and isn't running to the box to go like she did before.

    I've been giving everyone Starr's Primal Defense Powder which is a probiotic that even people can take. I mix it in with just enough canned food to mix the powder into it. I asked my holistic vet if Sky's diarrhea could be due to the Primal Defense Powder. She said that she's never seen a cat get diarrhea from it before so it could be coming from the canned food and that I should use baby food.

    The main reason that I've started giving everyone the Primal Defense Powder is to help to keep their digestive system and intestinal tract more healthy and this should also help prevent diarrhea. I stopped giving it to Sky but he still had diarrhea so hopefully the medicine will help him. It's just one thing after another around here. Thanks for all of the prayers and positive vibes for my Sunny boy.

  11. #11
    glad the kitties are doing better...hope they continue to do well. it sounds like you have had your hands full with taking care of , four? kitties? I know how that is, with 2 that were not well, and one is maybe still not 100% yet, but 4 , wow! good luck! I hope they all stay well! Sunny is almost 9 right? how old are the others?

  12. #12
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    Santa Paula, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by allmycats View Post
    glad the kitties are doing better...hope they continue to do well. it sounds like you have had your hands full with taking care of , four? kitties? I know how that is, with 2 that were not well, and one is maybe still not 100% yet, but 4 , wow! good luck! I hope they all stay well! Sunny is almost 9 right? how old are the others?
    Thanks. I have 6 cats total and Starr is my sickly cat with colitis and IBD which are finally under control with prednisolone, probiotics, and a grain free diet. Storm turned 13 in Jan., Sunny will be 9 in Aug., Sky will be 7 in June, Starr turned 4 in March, Pearl will be 4 in May, and Ziggy Stardust will be 3 in June. Yes, I have my hands full and there's never a dull moment around here. I wish for that at times but it never seems to happen.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ellicott City MD
    Just checking in - how are the kitties? Poo trouble cleared up? Believe me, I can sympathize with that problem!

    Everybody back to their frisky selves?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Santa Paula, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinot's Mom View Post
    Just checking in - how are the kitties? Poo trouble cleared up? Believe me, I can sympathize with that problem!

    Everybody back to their frisky selves?
    Thanks for asking. Yes, I think that the poo problem is finally cleared up. Poor Sky is still taking medication for it but this morning his poos looked great. As long as Pearl eats only dry food then I think that she'll be okay from now on. I tried giving her some Primal Defense mixed with canned and later with baby food but her stomach is too sensitive for even this. Sky seems to be the same way. Sunny is back to his frisky goofy self but sometimes he's still scared of Starr. Starr will chase him sometimes now but not as often as he had been. Now hopefully everyone will remain happy and healthy from now on.

  15. #15
    prayers for all your kitties, please keep posting updates. some of your cats are around my cats ages, mine are all between 7 (next month) and 9 or 10 years old.

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