On Oreo's 10th birthday, we took her to the dog park to play. She was playing chase like normal and then just stopped and held up her back leg. She hasn't had any knee issues before, so we rushed her to the Dr. It turns out that she ruptured her cruciate ligament. That was not a good birthday present for my poor girl!

She had surgery to repair the ligament and trim up the torn meniscus on last Friday. She has pain meds and is doing a little better each day. She's figuring out how to move around/go to the bathroom with the huge bandage.

But, she has to stay confined in one room with strict rest for 10 weeks! She can start short leashed walks after 2-3 weeks, but no running or jumping. This is going to be very tough for my wild girl!

I'll post updates when I can. Please keep Oreo in your prayers for an easy and complete recovery.