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Thread: Mr. Magoo Update...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Mr. Magoo Update...

    My my what a difference a few hours can make! In the last thread most of you were pulling out the tissues and we all went to bed with the happiest thoughts about Mr. Magoo. This mornig I'm in tears from the most visious and ferocious cat bite that I have ever received!!! Yes, it was from that sweet adorable Paddington Bear face!!! I now need all of your support and help in figuring out what went wrong.
    Last night hubby let Paddy out right in front of his cage and he brushed him. Paddy wanted to walk around and since all the kitties were occupied in the front windows we decided to let him move around some. He walked into the bathroom and checked things out. He never hit or ran into anything! It was amazing!! While he was in the bathroom Leroy sauntered in and went in the bathroom with Mr. Magoo. They sniffed and walked around together. When he came out of the bathroom hubby layed on the floor of the tv room to block Paddy from going to far just yet. When Paddy realized that hubby was blocking his way he wasn't to happy about it. Hubby started petting him and Paddy nipped gently at him but we have learned that he does that when he wants to be left alone. So hubby quit petting him and Paddy layed down on the floor. Leroy was still hanging around and there were no problems. Finally hubby put him back in his cage and Paddy wanted OUT! He cried and pulled at the bars which I have never seen him do before. He finally settled down and went to sleep. We went to bed thinking this was going to be pretty smooth.
    Here is how the morning went...Leroy did the I want breakfast dance on my head at 5:00 am. He actually let me sleep in an extra 30 minutes!! I got up served breakfast to the crew and fixed Paddy a plate as well. I took it to his cage, loved on him, and then gave him breakfast. He ate it all gone and seemed very happy. A few minutes later I went and removed his plate and loved and talked to him some more. Leroy came in and he and Paddy were sniffing each other through the cage. I was sitting on the floor with the cage door open so I let Leroy stand beside me so he and Paddy could sniff each other without the bars. Before I realized what was up Leroy slid past me and casually walked into Paddy's cage. (just like last night). Well Paddy went into that head down pose and started hissing and Leroy shot him a look and I thought OMG they are going to fight in this cage and I'm not going to be able to do anything about it!!! I reached in and touched Paddy and he jumped and I realized he didn't know it was me. I talked to him and put my hand in front of his face so he could smell me. Then I gently pulled him out of the cage and sat him on my lap. I talked to him and made sure he was calm so I could reach in the cage and get DUFUS out. Paddy seemed just like any other time I held him. I had my forearm in front of his chest with my hand rubbing the side of his neck. All seemed calm but Paddy wanted to walk around. I was blocking him with my arm in front of his chest but it still seemed ok. Before I knew what hit me Paddy snarled, growled and latched down so hard on my wrist that I thought I was in the jaws of a pit bull! Now folks I have been bitten and scratched pretty severely over the years but NEVER EVER have I felt a cat that had such jaw power!!! It felt like he was crushing the bone in my wrist!! He was shaking his head back and forth with my wrist in his mouth! He was like some wild beast! When I finally got my arm free he casually walked into the utility room like he lived here forever and went straight to the back door and sniffed around. I was laying on the TV room floor crying in the worst pain I have ever felt!! I don't think I have cried in pain since I was a kid. I have kicked, screamed and hollered but not cried! This hurt so bad! I knew my bone was crushed! I got my senses together enough to pull Leroy out of the cage and went after the Paddy physco. I approached him gently and let him sniff me then I picked him up and carried him to his cage. He went in and stretched out like nothing had ever happened.
    I cleaned the wounds and wrapped a cold towel around my wrist. It is now five hours later and I'm in an ace bandage because I can't move my wrist or thumb without severe pain. It is my right arm to make matters worse! The actual teeth marks aren't too bad. Thank God his teeth aren't too sharp! He really barely broke the skin but he certainly caused some type of damage on the inside!! After Advil and the ace bandage I'm finally able to barely type.
    Now I'm questioning what went wrong. What did I do? The only thing I know about his past is that he was found outside and he wasn't nuetered. Could he have been a feral for some time and relied on people at the shelter only because he was blind. All the windows are open here so did he get the call of the wild? Is he going to do this again? How will I know because I didn't have a clue it was coming this time. Is he crazy? Is he going to do this to one of the other cats? I know it hasn't even been 24 hours yet and I haven't given up but if I had been able to drive at 5:00 this morning I would have dropped him on the shelter porch!
    Now I'm in pain and scared of what will be next. I have taken off the kid gloves and I will not be so extremely gentle with him again.
    Help! I don't know what to do. Any and all advice welcome because instead of typing this I really should be at the hospital getting my arm checked. It really hurts!

  2. #2
    Think of it from his point of view. He can't see, he has many new cats around, he has sensory overload. I would just leave him alone for a while. He has hardly had any time at all to adjust. You should probably see a doctor about your injury, though, and here's a tip from someone who has been there. Wear long sleeves and gardening gloves if you pick him up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    My life is God filtered :)
    CCL: that sounds soooo painful and I sure hope you see a doctor about it. I've never had any experience with a blind kitty so I'm afraid I can't be much help to you except offer my support. Catlady could be right and he might need just a little longer to adjust.
    Last edited by slick; 04-24-2004 at 10:37 AM.
    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand and strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming WOO HOO - What a Ride!

    Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see
    --Polar Express

    Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.

  4. #4
    Oh LISA!! I am SO sorry This guy sounds like he resents any sort of confinement to his movement. (being put in the cage when he does not want to be, being blocked by your hubby and then feeling hemmed in when you went to reach for Leroy with your arm around him) It is scary though isn't it!!! I have no suggestions because I have never had much to do wild vicious behavior - and maybe that is not what this is - but sure sounds a little psycho to be calm one minute and then WHAM. But then again - it was his very first night...I dunno...

    I would sure watch that wrist - so many tendons and nerves in that area. Watch for tingling or numbness in your fingers and fingertips, especially, or any trouble in fine motor movements. I would take something antinflammatory like Ibuprofin if you have it - (Motrin, Aleve, something like that) The ice is the best thing for now as well. Tonight you could switch over to heat if there is no swelling and if the heat feels good to you. If anything feels weird or changes - I really would head for the ER. I would probably say go anyway - but you know what is best for you. This is just my best advice from nurse Debbie.

    As for Scrappy - I am just sad and sorry about this but try not to lose heart yet! We knew there were going to be problems!!! Last night was just a nice intro. If he turns on one of your cats - they are not defenseless - although I sure hope it does not come to that. I know you will watch things like a hawk. Maybe keep the water bottle handy and some blankets, a broomstick, etc, just in case. I know the rescue people here will have good suggestions for the worst case scenarios to be ready for. It may be an isolated incident as well. I dunno.

    (((((((((CCL))))))))) Your heart is so big and I am just so sorry this happened to you today!!!! Please keep us informed and I will keep the prayers going I promise!!

    Now I will try to think a little more positive....hard to do though!
    Last edited by sirrahbed; 04-24-2004 at 10:39 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    Lisa, I know how that hurts, I have been bitten by cats. It hurts like nothing you have ever experienced. I have been bit by a little of everything, but seems like a cat bite is the worst.

    I am so sorry you had to get hurt. I can't offer any advice except maybe give him some time. You might get some good advice from rkidsrcats, they have experience with blind cats. They could probably tell you just what to do.

    Again I am sorry that you got bitten so badly.


  6. #6
    Lisa, I feel worried about your wrist. How is it doing? I hate to be so nosy and bossy but right now, the ace bandage is not a good idea. It can mask the injury. There are two long bones that go from your elbow to your hand and at the wrist, there are actually lots of tiny bones that can be crushed and damaged. I wish I could see your wrist!! Can you rotate it?? Like the doorknob turning motion? Can you move it up and down like waving? Do these things cause excruciating pain still?? Do you feel anthing at all like a crunchy feeling (no kidding) or even a sound if you move it next to your ear. Broken bones can even be felt with the other hand - very gently - by this time I would expect some pretty bad swelling and some bruising. This is ridiculous of me....I may be a nurse but I can't help if I am not there and I am no doctor!!!! Just some guidelines --- I would go to the ER - would you do that???
    My advice ...Get the wrist checked!!
    Last edited by sirrahbed; 04-24-2004 at 11:25 AM.

  7. #7
    CCL, {{{hugs}}} to you and I really hope you go to the doctors and get your arm looked at.

    As for Mr Magoo, where is his cage situated ?

    If possible I would place his cage in a spare room and give him time to settle on his own. Don't let your cats in for a few days at least. I would *guess* that all the new smells were just too much for him to deal with. Try a very slow introduction

    Why don't you ring a cat behaviourist, they should give 5 minutes free opinion over the phone. Maybe they can give more specific advice about blind cats.

    I'm so sorry you are having problems

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Ok Nurse Debbie let me tell you what is going on with my arm. He barely broke the skin so there are no deep puncture wounds. His teeth are obviously dull and I'm grateful! The bite was at the top of my wrist right below the thumb area. Surprisingly enough there is very little swelling. The pain in the beginning was from my elbow all the way down into my fingers. After the Advil it mostly hurts right in the immediate area of the bite on the underside of my wrist. He bit right over a vein but it doesn't look like he busted it. The majority of the pain now is if I try to use my thumb too much. I can twist my wrist around but it hurts when I do. I will take the ace bandage off if you think that is a bad idea. It just felt better to have a little pressure in the area. If I try to bend my hand forward it feels like it needs to pop and hurts.
    The reason I don't want to go to the hospital is this. Two years ago when Sammy flipped out and tore up hubby he had to go to the hospital for stitches. They were required by law to turn it into the health department. They showed up on our doorstep and fortunately we were at work. They left a note for us to contact them. I called a few days later and they asked if Sammy had all his shots. I told them yes (lie) and they left it at that. Sammy has always been indoor only and we didn't keep him updated. If we had been home and they would have asked for proof I couldn't have given it to them. What would they have done? Taken Sammy for quarintine? I don't know but that scared me and that's why I haven't gone now. I can prove Mr. Magoo's records from the shelter but if they come here and see the others I will be in trouble! I can't prove the indoor only kitties and I don't want them hanging around and causing a problem. The only other thing I could do is tell the ER that hubby bit me because I will have to explain the puncture marks.
    I removed the ace bandage and I'm still typing but I feel like my wrist needs to pop so bad! I just want twist and pop it!
    Now that we have turned this into a medical forum, I want to thank you so much for your concern. I will take your advice to heart because I don't want any damage to my arm. The pain isn't horrible as long as I don't bend my hand forward or use my thumb too much.

    BTW-Mr. Magoo is sleeping peacefully in his cage!
    Last edited by catcrazylady; 04-24-2004 at 11:26 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I am so sorry about your wrist. I know how painful a cat bite is, and really, how dangerous it can be. I would make sure you are keeping it iced and elevated, until you see how severe it is going to be. I, too, would hesitate to go to the ER.

    As to Mr. Magoo, I say this gently, isn't his fault. Too much, too soon. It has been a really traumatic ride for him. You are to be hugged so hard for your efforts, but, what Mr. Magoo really 'needs' is to be left alone, to acclimate.

    I would leave him be, and interact with him enough for daily contact, but, do not involve the other guys. Let him get used to you and your husband and his environment. My guess would be that last night he was too shocked to do much of anything, but now that he has a slight lay of the land...well, his defenses are coming out.

    Please do not lose hope over this incident. Look at this as a learning experience.

    I am so sorry about your wrist, and I imagine, Mr. Magoo is not happy that he had to lash out like that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Lisa - I am so sorry this happened. I don't really have advice about what to do but I can tell you I can relate. I've not talked about this much on the board but Ripley has attacked me violently many times before. One vet said it sounds like he has Feline Rage where he has these fits of rage and takes them out usually on one person - me. He has left me crying in pain and absolutely terrified of him. The only way I can get him off me when he attacks is with water, a pillow or blanket (or my husband). It's been almost two years since his last attack on me and reading your post it brought back all the memories and I felt the fear all over again.

    I was so afraid that Ripley would attack another cat that I almost didn't adopt Jazz and in fact that is why it took me 10 years to get another cat. Luckily with old age Ripley isn't as violent. BTW, he has never hurt Jazz or Scout but when he gets frustrated with them he still comes to me to attack. I've learned to get away from him but unlike you I do know the warning signs.

    I suggest you keep a water bottle handy and try that if Magoo gets riled up. I think PIF had a great suggestion of putting his cage in a room where he can be alone and only smell the other cats through the door for a while.

    As far as wanting to take him back to the shelter at 5 this morning, I totally understand. I went so far as finding Ripley another home years ago, but then I backed out and kept him. I love him but I am afraid of him and I have many bad scars to show why.

    I'm not saying Magoo has Feline Rage I just want you to know I can understand how you feel.

    Please take care of your arm.

    From Decker with Love

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    If You Don't Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?
    I'm so sorry to hear Mr. Magoo turned into a savage beast on you! I'd go to the store and get some Epsom Salts and hot soak your hand several times a day to draw out any toxins. And you may want to look into getting Magoo some "Rescue Remedy" Which may calm him down. I have used it with great results on a Himalayan girl I have here. Mewsette is one very cranky cat, and putting R.R into her wet food seemed to work wonders. It is for people who are stressed out and wanting to choke someone! R.R is available at health food stores, and it doesn't take much to work. Mewsette gets it when she starts turning testy with me. She has tried to bite me, and scratch several times, but my reflexes are fast from years of feral kitten taming! How long ago was Magoo neutered? Could be he still has a lot of hormones in his system and the combination of smelling the outdoors, and being in a new environment set him off. I'd probably move him into a separate room and let him start making the first moves rather than you. And leave the windows shut for a while so he doesn't feel that wanderlust, smelling the air! Classical music soothes the savage beast too! Hang in there...we're all rooting for Magoo!
    ~*~ "None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed".
    Author Unknown ~*~



  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    If it still hurts tommorow I would most definately get your wrist checked.

    Here, in Australia, that kind of bite would be an immediate hospital job. We have a nasty cat borne disease called cat scratch fever that humans can get from bites and scratches - mostly from stray or feral cats.

    I am sorry that Mr Magoo did that but it must be pretty scary for him being blind and only knowing a small space well. I am sure he will get better.
    "A cat cannot see directly under its nose. This is why the cat cannot seem to find tidbits on the floor."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    So much wonderful advice! I think that Jazzcat may have hit on something. The Feline Rage seems to fit and I believe his rage is from being caged! The more I think aobut it I really believe he bit me because my arm was blocking his path to freedom. He just wants to be one of the other kitties and walk around the house. It is just too soon for this because of my current kitties! They have to adjust to him as well.
    I will never block him from the front again! I will try to control him from the back so I'm not the prime target with the teeth. I feel sorry for him because he just wants to be free of the bars and I can understand that. Maybe something to help calm him would be a good idea. He wants me to move him into the fold to quickly. I will check into the rescue remedy. I might take some!!
    As for the nuetering that just happened a few weeks ago. He has been a tom for a long time. That I'm sure is part of it.
    It's actually very sad that all he wants is to be free to walk and roam around.
    Jazzcat-I'm so sorry you went through that with Ripley. I commend you for hanging in there! I too used to feel the same fear of Sammy. He was very violent towards me! He would follow me and sit behind me and I never knew when he would attack. I used to have to call hubby to come get him so he wouldn't hurt me. I have tons of scars too and I have experienced lots of pain over the years. Nothing in comparison to what Mr. Magoo did!! Age also improved things for Sammy and me.
    I'm not giving up on Mr. Magoo. I'm just confused, hurt (literally)and trying to figure out which way to go.
    Thank you all so much and keep the advice coming.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Montreal, Canada
    Oh gosh I am so sorry this happened to you, but I would definitely take PIF's advice. He needs time to adjust to all the new things he is experiencing now. Give him a chance and I'm sure in due time, things will improve.
    Please see a doctor about your wrist if it isn't any better.

    R.I.P. my Precious Katie, Katie Pretty Lady.
    Oct. 1991 - Oct. 9, 2005
    R.I.P. my Beloved Wild Hair Wee Willy Winky
    April 8, 2005 - June 19, 2009
    R.I.P. my best friend Buddy.
    Sept. 1993 - Feb. 04, 2010
    R.I.P. my handsome Mooky.
    July 24, 2002 - April 1, 2010

  15. #15
    I'm sorry to hear of your attack by Mr. Magoo. I do agree that he is probably very confused right now about everything and does want to be out of his cage. I would also suggest rescue remedy, it truly is wonderful stuff. Have you tried Feliway? That's also suppossed to be wonderful for stressful situations and introducing new cats and new enviornments. Best of luck to you all!

    Lisa & Sash

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