If you’re like most dog or cat owners, nothing is too good for your pet. Unfortunately, your wallet is another matter. Even if you squeeze each dollar until it screams, there will always be another, more expensive way you can pamper Bailey or Sweaty.

Love your dog or cat, or have a pet-crazy friend?

Here’s a list of 10 ideas:

1. Keep a toy chest for all your pet play things: This is a good one since pets have so many
toys that people think I must have children in the house. I leave out three toys at a time, maximum, and rotate the toys as the pet get bored. Each time a new toy comes out of rotation, they think it’s brand new.
2. The Art of Massage: Everybody loves a massage and pets are no exception. There are many books available about how to give your dog a massage or how to give your cat a massage. Once your pet’s emotional balance has been restored, you’ll want to make sure they maintain the proper relaxation level to prevent a relapse. Pet massage may sound funny at first, but there is substantial therapeutic value in a properly applied rubdown. Massage helps reduce the pets suffering from arthritis, slipped discs and even more serious conditions.
3. Make a doggy/kitty scrapbook: Creating a scrapbook is a wonderful way to preserve your special memories. The best scrapbook pages help loved ones to actively imagine the moments you are trying to capture. By combining favorite photos, mementos and written anecdotes, you’ll create a priceless book that tells your unique story for generations to come. REMEMBER there is no wrong way to scrapbook! Like including his/her hair from his/her first grooming.
4. Give your dog/cat a nickname: You know he’s already got one anyway. It may as well be official. Frodo responds equally well to Frody, Little Dude, Freakface and Goober. Have a special name for your pet when he is good and when you are proud of him. He feels special and boosts his self esteem by giving him a special ID Tag.
5. Brush his teeth: Pets love their tooth brushing sessions. There are many toothpastes with different flavors like Beef, Malt, Poultry with their own special pets toothbrushes (made for their softer enamel). Once done brushing, let them gnaw on their brushes a bit. Also have tartar-control pet biscuits and flossy-thread rope toys. No one should have to deal with bad dog breath.

* Breath & Dental-Care Treats for CATS & KITTENS
* Joint Treats® (60 Soft Chews)
* Yip Yap - Breath Fresheners for Dogs (1.4 oz)
6. A Walk:Go for a walk. The two of you will bond through this fun activity. It is safest to exercise your pet in the morning or evening, the coolest times of the day to minimize the risk of heat illness. Your pet’s health is very important and there are many ways to keep your pet active and healthy.
7. Buy doggy/kitty accessories: Try hand-knitted sweaters and booties. Getting your pet a gift on a specials day would make your pet smile. There are many pet accessories available both for dogs and cats like dresses, glasses, neck tags and a nice beautiful bed they can sleep in.
8. Play with your pet: A nice activity with your pet will make your pet’s day. Cats love to play with moving objects, pretty much any small light weight object. They will chase it, stalk and pounce on it, bat it with their paws, practicing the necessities of life. Dogs love to run and fetch, so it’s quite easy to give them the exercise they need. Dogs are very prone to arthritis and swimming is a no-stress sport.
9. Upgrade your Pet’s Bed: A place where you pet can rest and enjoy his beautiful nap. Special bed made just for your pet that fits with this personality. Every dog/cat needs a quiet place to call his own. Create a comfortable area, whether a crate, a mat or a pile of blankets, for your dog/cat to go to when he needs rest or privacy.
10. Treats: Special treats made with great ingredients and lots of love will find a special place in your pet’s heart. Whether for treats on the road, a picnic or just hanging around the house. Treats help promote healthy skin and coat. There are many treats that include Glucosamine, Creatine & MSM that helps keep joints healthy and dogs happy.
