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Thread: We have barking problem. Please help us!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Golden State

    We have barking problem. Please help us!

    Hi, this is Moffin. I won to ask you something. Last weeken mommy, daddy and us moves to our new house. I like my new house, but not my new neibors. They are big & scary doggies who bark at us a lot, which made us bark back at them and mommy is not happy . Mommy said our new neibors won't like us if we keep barking, but it is not weally our fault. They bark at us first.

    I don't won to see mommy sad at us, but I don't know wat to do. On our left there is a Chihuahua & a Poodle, on our right there is a Chihuahua. Behind us there is a Boxer & a big yellow dog. Every time we go to the barkyard they bark at us & we bark back. Spewially the big dog. I'm scare of them. Mommy say it look like we have a barking contest, and she hate it.

    Daddy alredy fenced off a nice shaded area in the backyard where we stay during the day, but Mommy is afraid we will make our neibors hate us. We do not mean to bark, we just don't know wat to do so we bark.

    Is there anything our mommy or us can do to help with our barking?

    Tank you very moch,

    Thanks ~Jessie~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Oh Moffin, it sounds like you moved into a doggie neighborhood! That is a good thing, because it means the other hoomans will have some understanding too.

    Now, this Bark Fest, it seems to be because everyone is talking and no one is listening. Maybe you could have some play dates and meet all your fellow contestants? One at a time, of course! And meet out on the sidewalk so no one is on home territory. Then you could just touch noses between the fence to say hi after you get to know each other.

    I think everyone has to learn there are new doggies in the area and remember where their territories are. It will take some work on the part of the hoomans; you canines are very smart and will figure it all out with a little bit of help.

    I bet more of you Pet Talk friends will have some ideas for you, Moffin.

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