If you would be so kind to check on Pixie's page on gofundme.com
A dear lady and her husband are trying to save their Pixie. At this time, IMOM.org is not able to help raise funds, so out of desperation, we found the Go Fund Me site in hopes of raising funds. April (Pixie's Mom) received a vet estimate of $4000 !!!! She is doing her best to find another vet near her home in Easley, South Carolina.
Please share Pixie's link on your social media sites. April/Pixie are on Facebook took. (I don't have that link as Facebook is blocked at my work site).
If you are in a position to donate, please do so -- Bless you!
If you have any words of wisdom or know of a vet in her location that might be able to give her a better rate, please leave her a comment at her site.
Very worried and concerned about this baby. Thank you for considering helping Pixie.