Sorry, I'm in need of a good don't mind me..I have exams next monday-thursday..I had a test yesterday, was suppost to have a test today which got moved till tom cause of a storm, so now I have it tom, and a math make up test (on everything) PLUS I'm somehow suppost to be studying when up till now I've had tests and projects so theres was like no way I could have had any effective study time..You wouldn't beleive the amount of material I have to know..I have very indepth info in bio and a heck of a lot of pages to know..and math, I have sooooooo many formulas, so much to know. Urg, this sounds stupid, but I wish we had midterms, it would make life so much easier. We don't though because the teachers are lazy and don't want to mark (Thats seriously the reason.) I'm so stressed and am finding it hard to consentrate for study when I think about all I have to do in such little time..-sigh- We really should have this week off for study..On the bright side, I only have 2 courses next semester, but they're hard..If I get all my credits from this semester, then I atleast have enough/evertthing I need to graduate in June (CAN'T wait!)

Ok, well thats better,