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Thread: Sad dog

  1. #1

    Sad dog

    My dogs went for an adventure run two days ago. They were gone for close to 5 hours. Now that their home they've been acting odd. They won't go outside and if they do they don't make it down 2 steps before running back in. She won't even go out with me outside. She has just been laying around she will not follow me upstairs to my room where she usually sleeps. When she did finally go up she laid right outside my door. She has also going to her crate on her own. She is a very active dog so all of this is odd. I'm wondering if she just ran to much so she's tired. If it wasn't for the fact that both dogs are acting like this I'd think she was really sick. They are eating and drinking normal


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Definitely something probably spooked them out there. You will have to slowly get her used to the outside being a safe place again. Is there a different door she can go out? What happens if you put her on a leash? Have you hecked her paws to see if they were injured or worn down, so the world outside hurts more than the nice floors inside?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017
    USA, previously Europe
    I'm sure that you checked them for any injuries. They could have encountered something out there that really scared them.
    Watch them closely for the next few days, and if they're still acting odd, have them checked over by your vet.

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