Fender is a TERRIBLE walker. I feel so sorry when I walk him because he chokes himself something awful. I've tried the walking in the opposite direction when he pulls, and using a martingale, and neither have worked taht great. The turning around method has alleviated the pulling somewhat, but the constant back and forth hurts his neck, even when I'm gentle, and it still doesn't give me control when he decides to go try to flush the robin across the street. I'm ready to go for a headcollar, despite the fact that he'll now be labeled "vicious" everywhere I go. My question to PT is, do I go with a Gentle Leader, Halti, or another brand/type, and why? Fender, if you don't know, is a 5 month old Brittany puppy, he's a touch dominant, but not really alpha, and can be quite strong willed for a Britt. I swear to god he has a terrier brain in there. Anyway, any thoughts are greatly appreciated.