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Today's Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day are up!
Farm updates - Boo is growing so fast I had to add more fabric (elastic) to the belly strap for his vest! Marigold has her kittens hidden so well we have not seen them in over a week, but know they are still alive because we hear them tom time to time! As you may know, I am half deaf, so have no "directional" hearing, which does not help!
We have had very active predators - coy wolves - over the past few nights, no losses that we know of, but Lulu puppy has been exhausted during the day. She spends the night outside, preferring to sleep with a metaphorical one eye open on the porch, and takes defending her people (which includes all the animals and birds here) very seriously. I should get an updated picture of our brave warrior princess, she is getting so tall! Saturday night it was so bad, though, that she came and slept with ME part of the wee hours of the morning, so she must have been badly spooked. She has never ever done that before.