Today's Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day are up at last. So sorry folks that I didn't get the sites up yesterday.
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Today's Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day are up at last. So sorry folks that I didn't get the sites up yesterday.
The Pet, Dog and Cat are up!
Today's Cat, Dog and Pet of the Day are up!
Lovely spring day here today.
Chaotic day today, and folks don't usually comment on the pets if I post them this late, so I will skip today (Thursday) and post the pets at midnight or so for Friday.
Forgot to post when I got them up, but today's Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day are up!
So sorry, folks. I will update the sites tomorrow. Such a busy day, and a beautiful one outside, but I have been working and working inside, and just realized the time.
Today's Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day are up!
Sorry so late, but today's Dog, Cat and Pet are up at last.
Today's Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day are up!
So sorry, everyone. The day was difficult and chaotic - I will post the pet tonight to be Thursday's honorees.
Today's Dog, Cat and Pet of Day are up!
Karen, when I look at today's COTD page for Bella and hit the arrow for yesterday's, I get to the page for Rosalie in Germany. But that page was never there yesterday (Wednesday April 14) at all. I kept checking back, and I kept still getting Jonathan from Monday, who also had been there Tuesday and Wednesday.
Why not have Rosalie be Cat of the Day for tomorrow, Friday, and that way she does have her page for the day!
That's odd - it must have been a weird caching error, sorry everyone! I will give her a "reprise" Day this week.