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Today's Pet, Dog and Cat are up.
Stripey Kitten now has a name, "Elly" - its gender is not yet known, its nickname here was Squirmy. But is it is a boy he will be Elliot, after TS Elliot, writer of cat poetry and other works, and if it is a girl, it will be Ella after Miss Ella FitzGerald.
Please forgive me for the lateness of postings, perhaps after tomorrow, I can get things better again.
Marigold has been calling for her missing kitten, which is of course to be expected, but also heart wrenching.
Tomorrow morning, between 9:10 and 9:18 am will be five years since I, and the world, lost Paul. Please say a prayer for me, and hug someone.
I know I am blessed, and have a wonderful new home, and life, but these days are still hard.