finding the words to Quack Said Jerusha...
Does anyone just have the words to this...when I was little I had to sit with my baby brother on our front porch while he took his afternoon nap...he would only stay there if I read and acted out this poem...we had the was in a huge green covered book of other stories and poems but it is long gone...I would love to have the words to it...can anyone help?
"Quack! said Jerush" Whitman book
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I sell children's books. I currently have 5 copies of the 1950s Whitman book which contains the poem: Quack said Jerusha. I know that these are old posts but just in case someone is still interested there are books out there. In 12 years of dealing in children's books, I have only seen two softbound copies of the story in a book alone.
Many Thanks
I have been looking for this book for years! This was my Father's favorite book as a child. If you still have one available, I am interested. Thanks!